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nigeria borno

Borno records 3,800 new cases of HIV in IDPs camps

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3,8000 new infections oh HIV has been recorded in Borno State, all in a Displaced Persons camp. Currently 2.4 per cent of the population of the state (about 108,000 persons) are living with HIV and AIDS, and these new 3,8000 cases has been reginstrated from January to March, amongst them 70 children have been tested positive. Borno state has not participated in any HIV programme in the last two years, only tiny portion of the people living with HIV and AIDs can access treatment because most anti-retroviral centres have closed: in the state only 32 out of 90 centres are still operational. Within the last six years the state achieved only a nine per cent HIV reductio in Borno state, that’s because the government didn’t give priority attention to the plight of these persons. Governor Shettima had approved N45 million funding for HIV development programmes since December 2016, but the fund is yet to be released.

Boko Haram fighter killed by troops of 112 Task Force Battalion durign the Operation Lafiya Yole

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A Boko Haram gunman was killed Wednesday in a Village in Borno State. The spokesman of the Nigeria army, Sani Usman, said the attack was repelled by troops of 112 Task Force Battalion durign the Operation Lafiya Yole. The attack occurred when the troops were carrying out a fighting patrol towards Boskoro, Dikwa Local Government Area of Borno State where it was believed, a sleeper cell of Boko Haram terrorists was hibernating. “While advancing, the troops came in contact with some elements of the terrorists suspected to be in staging area to lay ambush for troops along Ajiri-Dikwa road”, said Mr. Usman. The patrol team engaged the terrorists and neutralized one of them, unfortunately one soldier sustained injury during the operation. The gallant soldier has been evacuated to military hospital and he is responding to treatment.

Boko Haram attacks Borno communities, kidnaps 10 people

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Boko Haram members allegedly attacked communities in Konduga local Government, Borno State, and kidnapped 10 people. Ibrahim Abdullahi ( Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps) declared the terrorists invaded Konduga and abducted four women and six youths. MrAbdullahi told the News Agency of Nigeria in Maiduguri on tuesday that many other villages were invaded too, because the insurgents are looking for more youths to recruite to sustain their fight in the state, since they have been effectively decimated by the Nigerian military. This is a clarion call to Nigerians to be on the alert at all times and always report any suspicious activities around them to the security agencies, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) who are desperate to return to their liberated communities should desist from living in areas that are not properly secured by armed personnel.Millions of people have been displaced by the Boko Haram insurgency since 2009, while about 100,000 have been killed, according to official estimates. Hundreds of people including scores of female secondary school students kidnapped in 2014 from their school in Chibok, Borno State, are still being held by the Boko Haram.

Boko Haram: also an European issue

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Military and economical campaign against Boko Haram is continuing. During March, Nigerian army killed several militants, as happened two days ago when 5 jihadists were killed and many weapons confiscated. Or through the suspenction of four cattle markets in Borno State, where Boko Haram traded stolen animals to support itself.

If social and military radicalization of Boko Haram is well-known, also economical point of view is important. Especially about the cattle trade, which almost entirely passes by Borno. Indeed, the closure of four markets even affected the market in Lagos, where prices rised.

Neverthless, after Libya, also Nigeria is becoming a new Caliphate stronghold. This was evident during January 2016, when 905 Nigerian migrants reached Italian coasts through Mediterranean route (109 on January 2015): “We have to control better this situation – Federico Soda, IOM, said -. About, about 90 per cent of Nigerian women were victims of human trafficking. “

17,000 people killed, at least 1,000 schools destroyed, over 2 million displaced people. These are the numbers of Boko Haram insurgency in the last six year. An insurgency which is producing a migration route towards Libya and another geopolitical matter for Italy and EU countries.
Giacomo Pratali


Giacomo Pratali
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