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Minsk agreement

No common approach on the roadmap for the Donbass settlement reached so far

BreakingNews @en/Defence di

Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, affirmed that no common approach on the roadmap for the Donbass settlement has been reached so far. He reminded that the four Ministers met in late November in Minsk. So far, no common approach has surfaced, although the process is slowly moving, at a snail’s pace however. At their meeting in the Belarusian capital city on November 29, the Normandy Four, namely Russian, German, French and Ukrainian, Foreign Ministers failed to agree a roadmap for the implementation of the Minsk’s agreements. The agreements, signed on September 2014 and February 2015, envisaged a ceasefire between Ukrainian government forces and people’s militias in the self-proclaimed republics in Donetsk and Lugansk starting from February 15 and subsequent withdrawal of heavy weapons from the line of engagement. The deal also laid out a roadmap for a lasting settlement in Ukraine, including local elections and constitutional reform to give more autonomy to the war-torn eastern regions.

OSCE doesn’t think Ukraine is ready to implement the political portion of the Minsk agreement

BreakingNews @en/Policy di

According to Russian ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Alexander Lukashevich, Ukraine is not ready to implement the political portion of the Minsk agreement and is trying to sabotage efforts in all areas. Speaking at a meeting of the OSCE’s Permanent Council ,Lukashevich affirmed that Wednesday’s meeting of the Contact Group clearly demonstrates that Kiev is sabotaging the work in all directions. Lukashevich emphasized the fact that the dialogue on a political settlement has been blocked under the pretense of ongoing clashes.

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