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Il vice presidente yemenita mette in guardia sui “traditori” Houti


Il vice presidente dello Yemen, Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, in visita nella città di Ma’rib con la coalizione arabo-saudita si è pronunciato su diversi aspetti rilevanti del conflitto yemenita.

Il vice presidente Ahman ha subito preso le distanze dai ribelli Houti ribadendo che il loro partito “rappresenta i clan Iraniani in Yemen, nella penisola arabica e nella regione” e che questi non possono colpire città come Riyadh e La Mecca in quanto sono “la culla della nazione”
Nella sua dichiarazione i ribelli Houti sono stati definiti come “traditori” e Ahmar ha espresso severe parole nei loro confronti, invitando gli ascoltatori a stare in guardia nei confronti di questi in quanto “non escludono nessuno e mirano a case, campi, scuole e luoghi di culto”.

Durante la visita il Vice Presidente ha avuto modo di congratularsi con l’esercito yemenita per le vittorie portate a termine assieme con il sostegno della coalizione.  Secondo Ahmar i risultati ottenuti sono “al fine di completare la liberazione e rinstaurare la capitale Sanaa, e di salvarla dalla corruzione degli Houti”. Il vice presidente ha anche fatto notare come tutte le aree confinanti con la capitale Saana non sono mai state e mai saranno una piattaforma per i ribelli e ha lanciato un appello a tutte i membri delle tribù di queste aree affinché partecipassero attivamente alla “battaglia di liberazione”.

Infine ha rivolto un messaggio ai bambini di Saana, i membri volontari delle forze armate, il Congresso Generale del Popolo, guidato dal Presidente deposto dello Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh, e a tutti gli elementi politici e sociali.




It Has Brought In Riyadh With Bensalah Trump Greets Bouteflika

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The President of National Council met Donald Trump during the summit to Ryhad. He brought President’s respectful. Trump remembered the bilateral cooperation between two Countries and auspicated a major cooperation. President of National Council agrees with Trump, and remembered the historical relationship between two Countries, with the recognition of independence of United States in 1783 and the sustain of USA to the independence of Algeria during the decolonization. He then talked about Libya, Mali, Syria and Sahara and said that military solutions are unsuccessful, the only way is the diplomatic way. President of National Council expressed his sustain to the relations between United States and Muslims Countries and added that he want a new Middle East based on union. He then talked about the situation affirming that there won’t be peace without an official recognition of the Palestinian State with capital Jerusalem.

Ceaseless Middle East wars forcing change in approach to medical care

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The Middle East’s protracted conflicts have caused a region-wide health crisis that goes beyond war wounds to heightened resistance to antibiotics and a collapse in vaccination drives, leading to a resurgence of diseases tamed in peacetime. Health threats are so varied that one of the Middle East’s main teaching hospitals, the American University of Beirut Medical Center (AUBMC), has introduced a conflict-medicine program to equip students to cope in an environment afflicted by chaos. As fighting has engulfed Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya since 2011, doctors and nurses have had to adjust not only to treating terrible injuries but to a faster spread of disease and growing threats to their own safety from combatants. Doctors, universities and aid agencies must respond by sharing experience and expertise, and by adapting research and medical practices, said participants at a conflict medicine conference at AUBMC, pointing out that Lebanon’s doctors have had their share of experience in conflict medicine due to the 1975-1990 civil war. The conference was held a few hundred meters from the iconic Beirut building that is witness to the war with its riddled facade. One growing problem is the disruption of vaccinations. Ali Batarfi, dean of the Hadramawt College of Medicine in Mukalla, Yemen, described a recrudescence of dengue fever that had been comparatively rare before the war there. Yemen is suffering from a cholera outbreak after more than two years of a war that has crippled public services, fostered malnutrition, hindered the import of adequate medical supplies and hobbled hospital capacity with war injuries. The collapse in national health systems has accelerated resistance to antibiotics because of drug usage in excess of prescribed limits. At the same time, infections have spread as war has destroyed sanitation and clean water systems and triggered chaotic population movements. The impact ripples beyond countries at war. Lebanon’s health system has grappled with the extra patients from around the war-ridden region attending its hospitals, including some from the more than one million Syrian refugees now in the country. A fifth of patients at AUBC are from Syria and Iraq, of whom the overwhelming majority suffered from war wounds, though the burns department noted a big rise in cases among children because of tent fires in refugee camps. Doctors in war zones have had to radically alter their approach, rationing resources, operating in primitive conditions and changing the way they treat trauma injuries. Surgical treatment of injuries is very different when those wounds have been caused by high-velocity bullets or shrapnel – something traditionally trained surgeons must learn as war has spread in the Middle East. Increasingly, warring sides in conflicts are targeting medical facilities, seemingly aiming to reduce their enemies’ stomach for battle by aggravating the suffering of civilians. “When I started for MSF, my MSF jacket was my bullet-proof vest”, said Dr Anja Wolz, emergency coordinator at Medecins Sans Frontieres in Brussels, who has worked recently at the MSF field hospital in Mosul. “Now you feel like a target”. The ICRC has warned that the drawn-out crises plaguing the Middle East “could lead to the total collapse of health systems”.

Egypt’s economy seems to be gradually picking itself up: Focus Economics

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In Focus Economics’ monthly Consensus Forecast’s report for May 2017 about the Middle East and North Africa stated that Egypt’s economy “seems to be gradually picking itself up, according to recent data.” The report said that the Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) rose to its highest levels in nine months by April, in spite of the deteriorating economic situation. Even if recent global evolutions of Egypt economy had a negative effect for private consumption, GDP will increase according to most recent previsions. Analysts expect GDP to expand 3.1% in FY 2017, which is up 0.1 percentage points from last month’s forecast. “For FY 2018, the panel sees growth accelerating to 3.8%”.


US Defense Secretary Mattis lands In Israel to talk "Iran,Iran,Iran"

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With the administration of US President Donald Trump forming a new policy towards the Middle East, Defense Secretary General James Mattis arrived in Israel Thursday afternoon to discuss regional security issues with top officials on Friday, with Iran topping the list.Greeted by members of the American embassy in Tel Aviv and the Israeli army’s defense attaché in Washington, Gen. Mickey Edelstein, Mattis arrived from Cairo on his third leg of a 5 country Middle-East tour billed by the Pentagon to discuss to “defeat extremist terror organizations”. Mattis and Liberman, who met in Washington in March have already discussed issues such as the ongoing civil war in Syria and the threats posed by Iran, and the Israeli Defense Minister will brief  him against on the numerous threats to Israel in the region, including on its northern border where there is a growing presence of Hezbollah and Iran in Syria. Known as a hawk on issues related to Iran, last month in London Mattis recalled a statement he made in 2012 in which he stated that the three gravest threats to American national security were “Iran, Iran, Iran”, an echo of Liberman’s statement at the Munich Security Conference in February that main challenges facing the region were “Iran, Iran, Iran.”At the time when I spoke about Iran I was a commander of US central command and [saying] that (Iran) was the primary exporter of terrorism, frankly, it was the primary state sponsor of terrorism and it continues that kind of behavior today”, Mattis said in March.After his visit to Israel, Mattis will head to Qatar.

US defense secretary to visit Israel as part of Mideast trip.

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U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis is scheduled to visit the Middle East this week, his first regional tour since taking office, the Pentagon said Saturday. Mattis is set to visit Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Djibouti between April 18 and April 23.The Defense Department said the purpose of the trip was to “reaffirm key U.S. military alliances”, and “discuss cooperative effort to counter destabilizing activities and defeat extremist terrorist organizations”. Mattis will arrive in Israel on Thursday. But we have two meetings one with with Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Thursday and with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday. Lieberman and Mattis met in Washington on March 7, where both underscored the close defense ties between the U.S. and Israel.Mattis’ visit to Israel will take place against the backdrop of efforts by Washington and Jerusalem to reignite the stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Mattis has said in the past that he believes the Judea and Samaria settlement enterprise was “obstructing the possibility of a two-state outcome” between Israelis and Palestinians.

British Prime Minister may arrives in Riyadh today.

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British Prime Minister Theresa May will be in Riyadh for a two-days visit during her tour that before led her to Amman. The aim of the visits to these two countries is to build stronger partnership in security, defense and trade. Moreover british ambassador Simon Collis said that bilateral relations between the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia are historic but they will strengthen them due to the Kingdom exit from EU. May will meet King Salman and she will stress the importance of cooperation between the two countries, in particular in counter-terrorism. Concerning the trade, Saudi Arabia is UK’S largest trading partner in the Middle East and the Prime Minister expects to boost already existing bilateral ties. In fine in a statement the Prime Minister May said that for the security and prosperity of the UK is necessary to support Jordan and Saudi Arabia in tackle regional issues to create a more stable region.


U.S delegation including Trump's son-in-law meets Abadi in Baghdad.

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Kushner, along with the Chairman of the U.S. Military Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine Corps General Joseph F. Dunford Jr., flew into Iraq  for a first-hand assessment of the battle against the Islamic State (ISIS) from U.S. commanders on the ground and to meet with Iraqi officials. The Iraqi premier’s office released a statement on Monday saying the offensive to liberate Mosul and the U.S. and the Coalition’s support for the Iraqi army was discussed. The U.S. delegation reaffirmed support for the Iraqi government in the fight against terror, the statement added. The delegation also met with Iraqi Defense Minister Erfan al-Hiyali in Baghdad and discussed the fight against ISIS militants in Iraq and the liberation of Mosul. The trip comes at a critical time for Kushner, who is making his first visit to Iraq, as Trump examines ways to accelerate a U.S.-led Coalition campaign that U.S. and Iraqi officials say has so far been largely successful in uprooting ISIS militants in Iraq and Syria. The visit appears to demonstrate the far-reaching portfolio of Kushner, 36, who is part of Trump’s innermost circle and who has been given a wide range of domestic and foreign policy responsibilities, including working on a Middle East peace deal.



Iran could make reliable partner for EU: Tehran.

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The Islamic Republic of Iran is able to make a most reliable partner for the European Union in the Middle East region, its Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday. Qassemi said that political and economic relations between Tehran and the EU had improved as a result of the conclusion of the 2015 nuclear deal and consultations between the two sides over other different issues. Iran is capable of fulfilling the economic demands of the EU as it can provide an intact market for investment following the removal of sanctions against the country under the nuclear deal, Qassemi added.  Elsewhere in his remarks, Qassemi warned that the EU was in a state of crisis and might even collapse as the bloc was facing several challenges, including the conflict in Ukraine, economic woes, refugee crisis, rise of far-right nationalist parties, Brexit, and terror threats. The EU needs to boost cooperation with key international players to overcome the challenges that have made the bloc’s economy and security more vulnerable, he added.

The United States and Britain imposed restrictions on carry-on electronic devices on planes.

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The United States and Britain on Tuesday imposed restrictions on carry-on electronic devices on planes coming from certain airports in Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East and North Africa in response to unspecified security threats. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security said passengers traveling from a specific list of airports could not bring into the main cabin devices that are larger than a mobile phone such as tablets, portable DVD players, laptops and cameras.



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