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Iran denounces Washington for supporting terrorist groups

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In a news conference, Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi condemned the U.S. for threatening the security of the region, saying Washington must pay for its wrongdoings. Qassemi’s remarks came days after the head of the MKO, Maryam Rajavi, met with John McCain, a senior U.S. senator who was the Republican nominee for the 2008 U.S. presidential election. “You have stood up, fought, and sacrificed for freedom, for the right to live free, for the right to determine your future”, said McCain, referring to Rajavi. Qassemi further said the meeting came of no surprise to him, since the United States has supported various terrorist groups in recent decades. Once an important political actor inside Iran, the MKO fought the rule of Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, before the Islamic Revolution. However, after the 1979 revolution, it resorted to acts of terror and assassinations, killing thousands of innocent Iranians. According to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh, MKO members were trained in the United States from 2005 to 2009, under former President George W. Bush. Their training included intercepting communications, cryptography, weaponry and small unit tactics. Following the election of Donald Trump as president, anti-Iran warmonger became much more vocal in U.S. politics, which in turn has empowered the MKO-like groups and individuals who are now calling for “regime change” in Iran.

Lieutenant General Raymond McMaster named Trump's top security adviser

BreakingNews @en di

Lieutenant General Raymond McMaster was appointed by President Trump new Advisor for National Security, his appointment has surprised a bit the analysts because McMaster often had problems with his superiors due to his frank character, which has proved,in general, that Trump not appreciated too much. The General, however, has a high reputation both in the military and in political circles, some of the army colleagues consider him the best tactician of his generation, even opponents of the President  have much respect for him, for example Senator McCain has expressed his appreciation for McMaster. The only problem is with the opinion that the new Advisor have ragarding to Russia, unlike Flynn and Trump, McMaster considers Russia a threat to US security and not a geopolitical ally.

After the resignation of Michael Flynn, the Democrats demand

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

After the resignation of National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, due to his repeated conversations with the Russian ambassador to the US, the Democrats demand again to the administration and to the Congress, Republican majority, which is made clear on the links that the new administration has with Russia calling for the formation of an independent and bipartisan commission of inquiry in Congress. A Favor of Democratic proposal has also deployed the GOP Sen. McCain, while other Republicans have merely taken note of the resignation of Flynn considering them a duty saw the loss of the relationship of trust between him and the President. It should be stressed that according to reports the Department of Justice would allert the administration about the talks between Flynn and the Russian Ambassador a month ago.

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