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libya crisis

UN Security Council Discusses the Libyan Crisis

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Widespread conflicts could return to Libya, yet the Libyan agreement could be amended to overcome the current political impasse, according to the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. UN SecretaryGeneral recalled the importance to reach, as soon as possible, an agreement to stop current Libyan evolution toward an other civil war. UNSMIL responsable (United Nations Support in Libya), Martin Kobler, suggested the UN increases its support to the security, economy and political process in the country as means to put an end to the Libyan crisis. He also recalled that a large part of Libyans still support LPA (Libyan Political Agreement) signed on December 2015. Guterres urged Libyan political fractions to find a consensus to stabilize the country, he also evoked his worries about Human Rights in the coutnry.

Lybians tribals and women leaders delegation: urge UN to take a balanced approach to Libya's crisis

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A delegation of Libyan tribal leaders and women leaders has called on the UN to take a balanced approach to the Libyan peace process. The delegation from the National Movement for Libya (NML) met with UN officials and U.S. government representatives while visiting New York and Washington D.C. to discuss the UN-led peace process in Libya.  After have recalling the collapsing of Libyan State since 2011, they have called UN to collabaorate with Libyan tributes

The Arab League, the European Union, the African Union, and the United Nations renewed their commitment to the Libyan stability

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The Arab League, the European Union, the African Union, and the United Nations renewed their commitment to the Libyan stability, sovereignty, integrity, and the unity of institutions emanating from the Libyan Political Agreement (PA) that signed in Skhirat, confirming the need for peaceful settlement to the Libyan crisis, refusing intimidation or use of military power, and the foreign intervention. The quadrilateral meeting has expressed its oppositions to recent violences in the Oil crescent, and told its preoccupation about recent violences in Tripoli. But it had recalled the necessity to overpass these conflicts to reach peace. The role of regional partners had been underlined, and EU has promised an economical help plan of E120 millions to deal about immigration.

The Libyan National Army lost control of RasLanuf to Benghazi revolutionaries, also town of Sidra was in BDB hands

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The Libyan National Army has admitted that it lost control today of the part of oil terminal town of RasLanuf to the Benghazi Defence Brigades (BDB). Speaking this evening, LNA spokesman Colonel Ahmed Mismari said that the town’s hospital and a number of other locations were in BDB hands following this morning’s attack which he admitted had come as a surprise. He also accused the BDB of murdering an LNA officer who had been wounded in earlier fighting during the day and taken to the hospital. The BDB had killed him when it took over the hospital, Mismari said. He disclosed that another three officers had been killed in fighting during the day. LNA sources, however, denied that the nearby terminal town of Sidra was also in BDB hands, despite numerous reports to that effect stating that the LNA had  pulled back.

Unicef said: Women and children in Africa are beaten and raped, Armed groups have taken control of detention centres for migrants

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Women and children making the dangerous journey to Europe to flee poverty and conflicts in Africa are being beaten, raped and starved in “living hellholes” in Libya, the United Nations children’s agency (Unicef) said on Tuesday. There were a quarter of a million migrants in Libya as of last September, most of whom languish in unsanitary, disease-ridden detention centres which Unicef described in its report as “no more than forced labour camps and makeshift prisons”. Armed groups have taken effective control of official detention centres for migrants amid the political chaos that now reigns in Libya and they also run their own centres, competing and cooperating with criminal gangs and smugglers, according to the United Nations. “For the thousands of migrant women and children incarcerated, (the centres) were living hellholes where people were held for months”, the Unicef report said on Tuesday. In interviews with more than 100 women and children, nearly half said they had been raped or abused several times during their journey, it said. Most of the children said they were beaten by adults along the way, with girls suffering more abuse than boys. “So many people are dying here, dying from disease, freezing to death”, he was quoted as saying in the report. Unicef said women and unaccompanied child migrants rely on people smugglers to get to Europe, often under a “pay as you go system” leaving them vulnerable to exploitation, trafficking and violence, including prostitution and rape.

Tripoli: Unidentified gunmen have opened fire on a convoy carrying Fayez al-Sarraj

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Unidentified gunmen have opened fire on a convoy carrying the prime minister of Libya’s UN-backed government, Fayez al-Sarraj, in Tripoli without causing any casualties, according to his administration. Ashraf al-Thulthi, the administration spokesman, said on Monday the incident occurred as the motorcade passed near the Abu Slim district of the Libyan capital. “All the cars were armoured-plated, and there were no injuries”, it was unclear whether it was a targeted attack, Thulthi said. Sarraj’s Government of National Accord (GNA) said in a statement that Sarraj, Swehli and Nakua had opened a new criminal investigations unit in Tripoli on Monday morning, and published pictures of the three at the event.

Shoukry meets Tunisian president, Algerian FM to activate tripartite summit to resolve Libyan crisis

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Egypt’s minister of foreign affairs Sameh Shoukry met with Tunisian president BejiCaid Essebsi and Algeria’s foreign affairs minister Ramtane Lamamra on Monday to continue discussions over Libya’s situation and further steps to activate the Tunisian initiative to resolve the Libyan crisis by the cooperation and coordination of the three countries. A joint statement is scheduled to be released to declare the results agreed upon in the meeting.In the trilateral ministerial meeting, Shoukry, Tunisian foreign affairs minister Khamis Al-Aghinawa, and Algerian minister of Maghreb affairs, African Union, and Arab League, AbdelkaderMessahel met and reviewed their recent communications and discussions conducted with various Libyan factions on the political scene to bridge different views. Shoukry praised the Tunisian president for his efforts to find an escape route from the current political stalemate, stressing that Egypt, Tunisia, and Algeria are the most affected by Libya’s ongoing instability. He also stressed that there is an alternative to the comprehensive political solution in Libya and confirmed the rejection of any foreign interference, as well as the commitment to the restoration of stability in Libya and fighting terrorism.

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