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lebanese army equipment

The Lebanese Army reports new Israeli breach by four aircraft Israeli enemy

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The Lebanese Army Command – Orientation Directorate – issued on Thursday the following statement: “Today at 10:15 in the morning, an Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated the Lebanese airspace over the town of Kfarkila, and circled over the areas of Riyak, Baalbek, Hermel and the North. It then left the airspace at 18:10 in the evening, from above the town of Alma al-Shaab. At 10:40, a similar aircraft violated the Lebanese airspace over the town of Alma al-Shaab and circled above Beirut and its environs, Baabda and the South, and then left at 16:45 from above the Shebaa Frams.

Lebanon: Aoun’s stance towards Hezbollah arms could result in UNIFIL withdrawal

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Ambassadors of 6 major countries sounded the alarm Friday over President Michel Aoun’s latest statements about Hezbollah’s arms, amid threats that the the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon or UNIFIL could withdraw its peacekeeping mission from south Lebanon. A meeting was held on February 15 at the United Nations headquarters in Yarze. It included ambassadors of the International Support Group for Lebanon, the US, France, Britain, Germany, Italy and China in addition to the EU ambassador and Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in Lebanon and Arab League Representative. The meeting addressed three main issues: The upcoming parliamentary elections and the new electoral law, the security situation in Lebanon including backing the Lebanese Army, the International Brussels Conference on the Syrian crisis and the Syrian refugees in Lebanon.Talks highlighted the latest statement of Aoun during an official visit to Egypt, during which they said does not abide by resolution 1701, but merely reflects visions of a single Lebanese party. The US ambassador has however, revealed a tendency to pull the UNIFIL forces from southern Lebanon if the country does not abide by international conventions.

Aoun noted that Hezbollah’s arms are an essential component to defend Lebanon

President Michel Aoun tried again today to justify the presence of Hezbollah arms in Lebanon , stressing that the Lebanese army is not strong enough to defend Lebanon. Aoun, a key all of the Iranian backed militant group also issued a personal guarantee that Hezbollah will not point its guns against the Lebanese people. “Hezbollah are the residents of the South and are among the Lebanese citizens whose land was occupied and part of the land is still occupied,” the president noted, emphasizing that “certainly Hezbollah’s arms do not contradict with the State and are an essential component of the means to defend Lebanon.” Aoun added: “We have a land occupied by Israel and when Israel usurps certain territory, it would be difficult to recapture it. This is how we must view Hezbollah’s weapons.”

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