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Kiev @en

No obstacles to Kiev-Tehran strategic ties

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Ukraine’s ambassador to Iran underlined his country’s willingness to enhance bilateral collaborations with the Islamic Republic, stressing that there are no barriers to establishment of bilateral strategic ties. Kiev attaches significance to its ties with Tehran, stressing that no third party can affect the relations: “We are ready to welcome Iranian officials at any level in Ukraine”, he stated. Last month, Iran’s ambassador to Ukraine also highlighted the ample opportunities available for enhanced cooperation between the two countries. The envoy further highlighted his country’s capacities in different fields as ship-building and aerospace industries and said Ukraine can help Iran in aerospace industries while the Islamic Republic can guarantee Ukraine’s energy security.  (In March 2016, Tehran and Kiev inked a memorandum of understating for the expansion of economic cooperation in various fields).

Donbass conflict: Kiev tries to avoid discussion over political solutions

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On Wednesday, Boris Gryzlov, Russia’s Plenipotentiary Representative at the Minsk talks, affirmed that official Kiev is making attempts to avoid discussions on the detailed political agenda aimed at finding solutions to the Donbass conflict. Nonetheless, Russia’s envoy at the Minsk peace talks said that it is impossible to find solutions to economic and humanitarian issues, without resolving key moments linked to the security issues and the political reform recorded in the Minsk accords.  According to Gryzlov, the most important problems are the non-implementation of Minsk’s agreements and the lack of an agreement on the amnesty for separatist fighters of Donbass and on the exchange of prisoners. Gryzlov added that  the clue needed to solve the tasks lies in implementation of a political package and in strict compliance with the security agreements.

Ukraine: 7 killed and 15 injured in the last 24 hours

Europe di

Victims are pro-Russians, civilians and one Kiev soldier. Other 7 rebels slayed during an attack on Sunday.

7 dead and at least 15 wounded in the Donbass between 25 and 26 of May: 4 militants, 2 civilians (as a result of the bombing of the steel plant of Avdiyivka) and 1 soldier. To report figures were Andriy Lysenko, spokesman of Kiev Army, and Eduard Basurin, Vice Minister of Defense of Donetsk.

But the ceasefire decided in Minsk last February is always more unsteady. 7 separatist soldiers were indeed killed following an attack on the Lugansk-Perevalsk motorway on 24th May. Among them, Alexiei Mozgovoi, Commander of the ‘Phantom Brigade’, one of the most influential leaders of the pro-Russian front. The charges are relapses immediately on the Ukrainian government, but Kiev said that the murder would take place after rebels settled a score.
Giacomo Pratali


Ukraine, 8 killed again: end of Minsk pact?

Europe di

One soldier and 7 civilians slayed after Donetsk airport’s fights. But Kiev denied and accused pro-Russian rebels.

Ceasefire in Ukraine is staggering. The last dispute happened on 3rd May. Ukrainian army killed 8 people (1 soldier and 7 civilians) during bombing against Donetsk airport, how reported by separatists. It’s unofficial news, but Kiev Minister of Foreign Affairs publice notice told about “lies” because “pro-Russians rebels fired 35 times against regular soldiers in the last 24 hours”.

Meanwhile, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Paolo Gentiloni, as he said La Stampa, restated that “Italy will substain Kiev if Kiev has to do necessary financial and constitutionalreforms, including Donbass independence”. But “even if we applied economic sanctions against Russia, we know Moscow importance in International crisis areas, like Syria and Libya”, Gentiloni said before Putin visit to Expo in the next days.

Giacomo Pratali


Giacomo Pratali
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