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Keith Kellogg

David Petraeus won't be the director of the Trump's National Security

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

David Petraeus will not be the director of the National Security of the President Trump, the two were supposed to meet in Florida in the private residence of Trump but the meeting there will not be, according to reports the rejection of Petraeus would be due to the desire to have the final say on the NSC decisions, something that the President is not willing to do, it seems that is for the same reason that Robert Harward has refused the nominee. Candidates to replace the resigned Michael Flynn now are: Keith Kellogg, head of the NSC staff, Keith Alexander, former Director of the NSA, John Bolton, former US Ambassador to the UN, Raymond Odierno, former Chief of Staff of Army and HR McMaster, High Official of the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command. Some of them could encounter Trump during the weekend in the Southern White House.

Michael Flynn has resigned because of his contact with the Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

Michael Flynn, Director of the National Security of the President Trump, has resigned, the official reason is his contact with the Russian Ambassador in the USA, Sergey Kislyak, began when Obama imposed sanctions on Russia for the events of hacking during the presidential election. Mark Jacobson, Director of the former Secretary of Defense, explained that Flynn violated the Logan Act, a law that prohibits private citizens to have diplomatic relations, at the time of the facts Flynn did not hold any  position in the Cabinet but,despite this, had reassured the Russian Ambassador on the new approach that Trump would have had with Russia,it also seems that Flynn, before resigning, did not inform neither the President neither the Vice President of contacts with the Russian Ambassador. Russia’s reaction to Flynn’s resignation was not positive, both journalists and some senior administration officials do not seem happy, his successor should be Keith Kellogg, former General and chief of staff of the White House National Security Council.

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