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Jordanians stage protest in support of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli

BreakingNews @en di

Nearly 500 Jordanians took to the streets of Amman on Friday to express their solidarity with Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, whose hunger strikes entered the 20th day.Protesters said they supported the prisoners’ requests for reforms in Israeli jails where they are being held. Palestinians said that the open-ended hunger strike was a protest against poor conditions and an Israeli policy of detention without trial that has been applied against thousands since the 1980s. Israel said the move by the prisoners, many of whom were convicted of attacks or planning attacks against Israel, was politically motivated.

The Lebanese-Jordanian summit will address the Syrian and Iraqi refugees crisis

The Baabda Presidential Palace has completed arrangements for President Michel Aoun’s trip to Egypt and Jordan next week, his second Arab trip after his election as president. On Monday, Aoun will first meet in Cairo with his Egyptian counterpart Abdul Fattah al-Sisi and Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab. He will later head to the Arab League headquarters for talks with its Secretary-General Ahmed AboulGheit. For their part, Lebanese ministers will hold meetings with their Egyptian counterparts. On Tuesday, Aoun will head to Jordan for talks with Jordanian King Abdullah II. The Lebanese-Jordanian summit will address the Syrian and Iraqi refugees crisis and study the ways to alleviate their impact on the economies of both countries.

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