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Middle East railways vision plan drawn up at RAME summit.

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A vision plan for the current and future perspective of Middle East railways has been drawn up based on the activities of the Regional Assembly Middle East (RAME), CEO of the Railways of the Islamic Republic of Iran said Tuesday. “Vision plan for the ‘current status of Middle East railways, moving in the right direction’ has been drawn up with collective efforts from the RAME member states which introduces the current status of railways in RAME states as well as various railway projects currently under construction”, Abbas Nazari, CEO of the Railways of the Islamic Republic of Iran, said at the 19th RAME summit held in Tehran. Iranian as well as foreign companies from Russia, Germany, China, Italy, Sweden, Turkey, the Czech Republic, India and Slovenia are expected to participate in the exhibition that will put on display the latest technological achievements in rail and transportation industries, wagon construction and transportation services. RAME members are the railway administrations of Turkey (TCDD), Islamic Republic of Iran (RAI), Syria (CFS), Saudi Arabia (SRO), Jordan Aqaba Railways (ARQ), Iraq (IRR), Hejaz in Syria (CFH), NIROO RAIL Transport Co. and METRA Consulting Engineers Co. from Iran, and HIZTAZ Co. from Turkey. The RAME Chairmanship is performed by Turkey Railway (TCDD) and its vice-chairmanship is carried out by the railways of I.R. Iran (RAI) and Syria (CFS).


Iran could make reliable partner for EU: Tehran.

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The Islamic Republic of Iran is able to make a most reliable partner for the European Union in the Middle East region, its Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday. Qassemi said that political and economic relations between Tehran and the EU had improved as a result of the conclusion of the 2015 nuclear deal and consultations between the two sides over other different issues. Iran is capable of fulfilling the economic demands of the EU as it can provide an intact market for investment following the removal of sanctions against the country under the nuclear deal, Qassemi added.  Elsewhere in his remarks, Qassemi warned that the EU was in a state of crisis and might even collapse as the bloc was facing several challenges, including the conflict in Ukraine, economic woes, refugee crisis, rise of far-right nationalist parties, Brexit, and terror threats. The EU needs to boost cooperation with key international players to overcome the challenges that have made the bloc’s economy and security more vulnerable, he added.

The Zionist regime is trying weaken the relations between Iran and Azerbaijan

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Speaking at a meeting with visiting Azeri President IlhamAliyev in Tehran, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution underlined that enemies are upset about the cordial relations between Iran and the Azerbaijan Republic.“The evil Zionist regime is trying more than all other enemies to weaken the brotherly relations between Iran and Azerbaijan and, (so) in return, the cordial ties (between Tehran and Baku) must be safeguarded”, Imam Khamenei said. The Leader mentioned common religion as the most important factor that creates a sense of closeness and relationship between the people of the two country. “Iran and Azerbaijan have always been, and still are, close together and the fact that about one million Azeri people traveled to Iran last year is just an example of these cultural and religious ties and commonalities” have said the Ayatollah Khamenei.

No obstacles to Kiev-Tehran strategic ties

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Ukraine’s ambassador to Iran underlined his country’s willingness to enhance bilateral collaborations with the Islamic Republic, stressing that there are no barriers to establishment of bilateral strategic ties. Kiev attaches significance to its ties with Tehran, stressing that no third party can affect the relations: “We are ready to welcome Iranian officials at any level in Ukraine”, he stated. Last month, Iran’s ambassador to Ukraine also highlighted the ample opportunities available for enhanced cooperation between the two countries. The envoy further highlighted his country’s capacities in different fields as ship-building and aerospace industries and said Ukraine can help Iran in aerospace industries while the Islamic Republic can guarantee Ukraine’s energy security.  (In March 2016, Tehran and Kiev inked a memorandum of understating for the expansion of economic cooperation in various fields).

Islamic Republic of Iran opposes the imposition of any solution to Syrian government and people

Alaeddin Boroujerdi, Chairman of Iran’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, said Islamic Republic of Iran opposes the imposition of any solution to Syrian government and people. Iran has always agreed and would agree with diplomatic solution to Syrian crisis though inter-Syrian dialogue.The inter-Syrian dialogue in Astana is not the first round of negations between Syrians and there had been similar talks in Damascus and Tehran in the past. Diplomatic solution does not include Daesh and al-Nosrah front and they should be confronted through military ways.

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