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Islamic State - page 4

Iraqi forces and allied militias killed 15 Islamic State militants, campaign grinds on to recapture the city

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Iraqi government forces and allied militias recaptured on Monday a village in northwestern Mosul and killed 15 Islamic State militants as the security campaign grinds on to recapture the city. The Joint Operations Command said in a statement the forces recaptured the village of KherbatAtshana, close to a mountainous area recaptured a few days ago. Earlier on Monday, Iraqi troops recaptured the Josaq and Tayaran districts, and took over a bridge connecting western and eastern Mosul.

U.S. Central Command meets Abadi for talks on counter-Isis fight

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Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi met with the head of the U.S. Central Command, Gen. Joseph L. Votel, on Thursday to discuss the fight against the Islamic State. Votel expressed congratulations during the meeting with Abadi over victories Iraqi forces achieved over the militant group in the campaign to regain the west of Mosul and reiterated his country’s support to Iraq. The militants are essentially under siege in western Mosul, along with an estimated 650,000 civilians, after U.S.-backed forces surrounding the city forced them from the east in the first phase of an offensive that concluded last month.

Haider al-Abadi authorized the country’s air force to carry out raids against the Islamic State inside Syria

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Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi authorized the country’s air force to carry out raids against the Islamic State inside Syria: “We are determined to chase terrorism that tries to kill our sons and citizens wherever it is found, so we gave orders to the air force command to strike ISIS positions in Hosaiba [an Iraqi town] and Albu Kamal inside Syrian territory, as they were responsible for recent bombings in Baghdad,” he have said. “The heroes of the sky executed the operation and responded to the terrorists with amazing success”, he added.

Islamic State drone kills 5 civilians, 5 militants arrested in eastern Mosul

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A weaponized drone guided by Islamic State militants killed five civilians in eastern Mosul, while five group members were arrested there on Wednesday. Anadolu Agency quoted Brig. Gen. Mohamed al-Bostani, from the army’s 16th division, saying that an advanced drone dropped two rockets on al-Rashidiya, northeast of Mosul, killing five civilians and wounding three others. He have said taht the situation in eastern Mosul was still “unstable” and in need for more intelligence and security effort. Iraqi officials have also voiced fears that dormant IS cells in those areas could pose a security threat.

Iraq and Iran signed MOU to study the construction of a pipeline to export crude oil from Kirkuk fields to Iran

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Iraq and Iran signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on Monday to study the construction of a pipeline to export crude oil from Kirkuk fields to Iran, Iraq’s oil ministry said. The agreement also calls for a commission to solve the conflict about joint oilfields and the possible transportation of Iraqi crude oil to Iran’s Abadan refinery, the statement added and agrred with the Iraqi oil minister he will visit his Iranian counterpart to cooperate on the policies of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Iran and Iraq decided on a plan for developing a pipeline to carry 40 mcm of gas to Iraq in September 2015. The plan was delayed over security concerns resulting from the war the Islamic State (ISIS) group has waged in Iraq.

ISIS militants are essentially under siege in western Mosul, along with an estimated 650,000 civilians

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U.S.-backed Iraqi forces fought Islamic State fighters on Monday to clear the way to Mosul’s airport, on the second day of a ground offensive on the jihadists’ remaining stronghold in the western side of the city. ISIS militants are essentially under siege in western Mosul, along with an estimated 650,000 civilians, after they were forced out of the eastern part of the city while Iraqi forces have been advancing so far in sparsely populated areas. The fighting is expected to get tougher as they near the city and the risk greater for civilians. to 400,000 civilians could be displaced by the offensive as residents of western Mosul suffer food and fuel shortages and markets are closed, United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq Lise Grande told Reuters on Saturday.

ISIS group released a new video, promises more attacks against the Coptic citizens of Egypt

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Under the name of Islamic State in Egypt and with the headline of “Fight All Infidels”, the so-called Islamic State (IS) group released a new video, issuing fierce threats against the Coptic citizens of Egypt and accusing them of insulting Islam, threatening to carry out more attacks against them.The perpetrator, who appeared under the name of Abo Abdullah Al Masry urged IS affiliated militants in different parts of the world to liberate the detained Muslims in Egypt and said that they [IS] would reach Cairo soon. In response to the IS video, the Observatory for Extremist and Takfiri Thoughts, affiliated with the Dar Al-Ifta, issued a statement on Monday that carried commentary and analysis of the content of the IS video. The Observatory’s role is to monitor extremist views and provide a counter-narrative. The Observatory noted that the released video is aiming to create sectarian strife between Egyptian Muslims and Coptic citizens by distorting the meaning of Qur’anic verses and by portraying the relationship between Muslims and Copts as based on conflict and bloodshed. “The most prominent observation of the IS-released video is the absence of the name ‘Sinai Province’ and that it instead uses Islamic State in Egypt; this step only aims to give the impression that ‘Sinai Province’ group’s operations exceed Sinai Peninsula and they had reached Cairo, especially following the Cairo Church attack that is considered a turning point in the IS terrorist work in Egypt”, the report read. “The IS group aims to put Egyptian Muslim citizens in opposition to the Egyptian state by alleging that the government is only protecting Coptic citizens and securing their churches while it allegedly demolishes mosques, burns the Qur’an, and kills Muslims”, the Observatory’s statement continued.

An airstrike destroys the ISIS command center in Mosul

A building believed to be an Islamic State command center in western Mosul was destroyed on Friday in an airstrike conducted by the U.S.-led coalition, the building was situated in a main medical complex of the city. “The coalition was able to determine through intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance efforts that ISIS did not use the building for any medical purposes and that civilians were no longer accessing the site” the coalition said in a statement. “Coalition forces comply with the Law of Armed Conflict, work diligently to be precise in our airstrikes, and take all feasible precautions during the planning and execution of air strikes to reduce the risk of harm to civilians”, they have added.

The Islamic Republic of Iran calls on all Syrian groups to join the peace negotiations with the Syrian government.

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Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Jaberi Ansari announced that the next round of negotiations between the Syrian government and the rebel groups is planned to be held in Kazakhstan within less than a month. “The Islamic Republic of Iran calls on all Syrian groups to join the peace negotiations with the Syrian government and take the fate of their children in their hands”, he said. He further emphasized that a communique has been finalized by a joint committee monitoring the ceasefire in Syria, which has been established by Iran, Russia and Turkey.

Saudi Arabia dismantles four ISIS cells, 18 arrests

The interior minister confirmed the arrest of 18 individuals in the Kingdom belonging to four islamic state in Iraq and Syria. Fifteen of them were Saudi citizens and the other three were from Yemen and Sudan. During the arrests about two million riyals were confiscated and the spokesperson for Saudi Arabia’s interior ministry al-Turki said most of those arrested supply materials to the ISIS cells in Riyadh. The ministry affirmed that ISIS cells in Saudi Arabia have spread to Mecca, Medina, Riyadh and Qassim regions.

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