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Iraq to continue striking Isis targets in Syria

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Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Wednesday that Iraq will continue to hit Islamic State targets in Syria, as well as in neighboring countries if they give their approval. “I respect the sovereignty of states, and I have secured the approval of Syria to strike positions of the terrorists in the Syrian Albu Kamal because it is from these positions car bombs enter Baghdad and other Iraqi cities and we will continue to fight terrorism”, he have said in the city of Sulaimani. “I will not hesitate to strike the positions of the terrorists in the neighboring countries”, he have added.

3 months to rout Islamic State

The Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi have said on Tuesday it would take three more months to rout Islamic State, as U.S.-backed forces battle to dislodge the militants from the stronghold of Mosul.“The Americans were very pessimistic. They used to talk about a really long period but the remarkable successes achieved by our brave and heroic fighters reduced that. I foresee that in Iraq it will take three months.” More than two months into the operation, elite Iraqi soldiers have retaken a quarter of Mosul. Besides Mosul, Islamic State still controls the towns of Tel Afar and Qaim as well as Hawija and the surrounding area. The fall of Mosul would probably end Islamic State’s ambition for a self-styled caliphate, but the fighters could still mount a more traditional insurgency in Iraq, and plot or inspire attacks on the West.

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