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Inter-Parliamentary Union Saudi: Shoura Council condemns Iran's blatant interventions in the region

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During the 136th session of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in Dhaka, the Shoura Council condemned Iran’s interventions in the region and its attempts to provoke seditions and support armed militias. For that reason the Shoura Council called for countering and exposing threats to peace and security in the region. Moreover the humanitarian situation was discussed and the Saudi delegation expressed the necessity of more diplomatic and parliamentary efforts to end world crises. According to the Council the IPU meetings are a precious opportunity to discuss world problems and it also noted the efforts by the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries in the Yemeni crisis, as they offered the GCC initiative as a basis for a solution between the Yemeni political parties. Concerning the situation in Yemen the Council said the response of the Kingdom and other Gulf countries was an ethical duty and that the operation Decisive Storm is conformed to regional and international charters. In fine the Council expressed regret over the failure of the UN Security Council and the international community to find a solution to the crisis in Syria.

IPU confirms support for legitimacy in Yemen

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During the meeting of the Yemeni parliamentary delegation during the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in Dhaka, Bangladesh, the IPU confirmed its support for Yemeni’s unity, sovereignity and legitimate leadership and rejected the coup by the Houthis and ousted President Saleh. The delegation reviewed the situation in the country and the violation againts Yemeni people by the rebels, supported by Iran. Moreover the head of the Yemeni delegation met with IPU President and Secretary General and they discussed about the state of Yemeni’s Parliament, which was closed by rebels, who arrested MPs and theatened to kill them. As a consequence to this situation the Parliament was moved to the temporary capital of Aden.

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