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houthi @en

Beaten until paralyzed: doctor reveals horrors of Houthi torture

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A doctor, who was in August 2015 captured and brought to the jail by the Houthi militias. After being interrogated for hours, he was brought to a van and has travelled all night long in order to reach Sanaa National Security, where he was interrogated for other two days.after this, he was conducted to the jail for 10 months and got free just in April 2016. Once free, he moved to Canada not having anymore the chance of keeping on living in Yemen. There he was able to talk about the horrors, he had seen in the jail, like the man, called Maamary, who was subjected to several tortures (they had burnt him with cigarettes, kicked him or also electrocuted his mouth), until he got paralyzed.

The Yemeni army was involved in violent clashes with Houthi rebels and Saleh militias

BreakingNews @en di

The Yemeni army was involved in violent clashes with Houthi rebels and Saleh militias inside the strategic Khalid bin Walid camp in Taiz. The army was reinforced by artillery and missiles cover and was also supported by Arab coalition aircrafts and warships near the port of Al-Mokha. Moreover the coalition forces intensified raids targeting militia hubs and gatherings in the north of Hodeida and in the south-east of Midi, where they killed many Houthi and Sleh militiamen. In fine several Houthi militias fled towards the south after these attaccks.

The Patriot system intercepted 12 ballistic missiles launched by Houthi militias on Yemeni city of Al-Mokha

BreakingNews @en di

The Patriot system intercepted 12 ballistic missiles on Saturday, launched by Houthi militias toward the Yemeni city of Al-Mokha in less than one hour. There were no casualities as the missiles were intercepted, but the attack is a clear signal of Iran’s intention to shift the global attention to Yemen. For thet reason the Yemeni government spokesman called on the international community to disarm the militia, which is a risk for the lives of Yemeni civilians. Moreover Al-Shehri, a political analyst and international relations expert, said that an action similar to the US strike in Syria in response to the chemical attack must be taken also against Iran in Yemen in order to bring the Yemeni crisis to a peaceful settlement.

Arab Coalition: Houthi rockets smuggled through Yemen port to bomb saudi cities

BreakingNews @en di

The coalition Command to Support the Legitimacy in Yemen said today in a statement that Saudi border cities were targeted by Houthi militias with smuggled rockets through the port of Al-Hodeidah. The Command added that the Coalition air forces targeted immediately the launching sites and that the Royal Saudi air force intercepted four ballistic missiles launched towards the cities of KhamisMushayt and Abha and they destroyed them without causing any damage. In fine the coalition said these actions are the strongest evidence of the continued smuggling of weapons to Yemen especially from the port of Hodeidah.

Saudi Navy engaged in mine-sweeping on Yemeni shores planted by Houthi militias

BreakingNews @en di

The spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition, Maj. Gen. Al-Assiri, told Arab News on Saturday that the Saudi Navy is constantly engaged in mine-sweeping on Yemeni shores planted by Houthi militias. Many naval mines were found near the southwestern port city of Mokha and were there to target the international shipping boats and for that reason the Saudi-led coalition warned the international maritime movements. Moreover few days ago there were an incident, a fishing boat hit a mine off the Yemeni shores and seven fishermen were killed. In fine since January forces allied with the national Yemeni government have controlled the strategic port near Mokha and the US Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) warned of the risk of mines in the strait of Bab al-Mandab.

UN rejects Arab coalition's call to supervise Yemen port

BreakingNews @en di

The Saudi-led Arab coalition’s request to supervise the Yemeni port of Hodeida was rejected by the UN on
Monday. The UN spokesman Farhan Haq said the protection of civilian infrastructures and civilians are obligations
of the warring sides in Yemen. Moreover the coalition spokesman Maj. Gen. Al-Assiri, who asked the UN to
supervise the port not to protect it, said the UN was asked to appoint international observers to ensure the port
is managed in a manner that facilitates the arrival of humanitarian assistance to civilians and is not exploited by
the Houthi militias.

38.000 Yemeni civilians have been killed and injured at the hands of the Houthi,16.000 activists were kidnapped by the militias since the war began in 2014.

BreakingNews @en di

As part of a report presented by the Yemeni Deputy Minister of Human Rights Mohammed Askar during a human rights council meeting in Geneva on Monday, nearly 38,000 Yemeni civilians have been killed and injured at the hands of the Houthi militias and those allied to ex President Saleh since the war began in 2014. Askar also said that Houthi bombing in populate dare as, villages, farmlands and roads led to 673 civilians injured and dead, mostly women and children. Moreover in the report it was declared that 16,804 activists, reporters and academics were kidnapped by the militia and those who have been released suffer from serious health and psycological issues. In the report it was also underlined the use of children to fuel militia’s war.

Saudi forces are defending the Yemen borders from Houthis

Houthi militias were stopped at the border with Yemen by Saudi forces that avoid them to get closer. This is not the first attemp of Houthis to cross the border between Saudi Arabia and Yemen or try to smuggle civilians. During this attempt, which started at the break of time, 4 Houthis were killed and several military equipments (weapons, explosive devices, rocket-propelled granades) were seized from them. The militias wore uniforms of the deposed president’s special forces.

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