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Former president of the republic of Yemen

UN Yemen envoy: violence escalates, the United Nations have urged a political solution and safety to Yemeni civilians

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After talks in Paris with French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, the UN envoy to Yemen Cheikh Ahmed told reporters that even if the solution is very close the parties don’t want to sit down at the table to discuss that. In deed they are refusing to discuss UN-brokered peace efforts and mean while in the country there is an escalation in violence, which is having a dramatic impact on civilians. This is the main reason that pushes the United Nations to urge a political solution and guarantee stability and safety to Yemeni civilians, which the UN classed as “severely food insecure” (7.3 millionYemenis). Moreover France Foreign Minister Ayrault said that “this is a conflict that is less talked about than others, but it can’t be forgotten because the humanitarian consequences on the ground are catastrophic”.

On Independence Day, Former President Ali Abdullah Saleh congratulates nation

Former President of the Republic of Yemen, President of the General People’s Congress, strongman Ali Abdullah Saleh congratulated the Yemeni people on the occasion of the 49th anniversary of the independence day, when Yemen got freedom from Britain in 30th November 1967, calling the nation to move forward for more and more victories. “In the occasion of this great day, I would like to salute you our people, men, women, youth and elders, and through you, I would like to extend my solute to the heroes of the army, security and popular forces who are in front lines on the occasion of the 49th anniversary of the independence day” leader Saleh told to the nation.

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