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fight against drug trafficking

Iranian FM criticized Western countries for their failure to fight against global drug war

BreakingNews @en di

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad JavadZarif criticized Western countries for their failure to effectively fight against global narcotics trafficking. “West’s failure to prevent drug trafficking is a major problem. The fight against drug smuggling should not be politicized”, Zarif said Monday in a meeting with United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Executive Director YuryFedotov in Tehran. Voicing the Islamic Republic’s readiness to increase its cooperation with the UNODC in the global fight against illicit drugs, the Iranian minister said Iran is paying a high price for its contribution to the battle against narcotics and other countries should take on more responsibility and equally pay the price for the sake of security.Iran is on a major transit route for drugs being smuggled from Afghanistan to Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

The INCB: the eventual construction of the wall on the border between Mexico and the United States wouldn't solve the problem of drug trafficking

BreakingNews @en di

The INCB (International Narcotics Control Board) has published a document, which suggests that the eventual construction of the wall on the border between Mexico and the United States would not solve the problem of drug trafficking, in fact, the INCB notes that the Mexican drug cartels operating a turnover of about $ 3.2 billion annually and that take advantage of very technological means such as drones or remote controlled submarines to carry the loads of drugs across the border, considering that according to data of the Secretariat for the National Defense there are today at least 60 airstrips not registered only in the Baja California region.

Colombian President wants to realize a 100% pacification of the Americas

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

From the stage of the Oslo City Hall, where yesterday received the Nobel Peace Prize, the Colombian President Santos made an appeal to all the countries of the world, to rethink the fight against drug trafficking. After terminating the fight between the central state and the FARC,  Santos wants, with the help of the international community also to win the battle against the drug cartels to realize a 100%  pacification of the Americas.

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