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Haftar to run for president of Libya in March 2018

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The recent meeting between Haftar and Al-Serraij, in UAE (United Arab Emirates) had been successful according to first informations resulting from it. Indeed, the meeting has created a tie between East and West Libya, divided since the LPA (Libyan Political Accord) of December 2015, both leader decided to built a communication channel between PC (Presidency Council- West) and Dignity Operation (East) to allow information transmission between both Libyan parts. Haftar will be nominated as Libyan President in March 2018, Al-Serraij declared his satisfaction with this point. On Wednesday, Egypt president, El-Sissi, would be in UAE to confirm the agreement.

Al-Serraj met at the Council's headquarters here the Russian delegation

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Tripoli and Moscow continue their cooperation after official Al-Serraj visit to Moscow. The President of the Presidency Council of the Government of National Accord Fayez Al-Serraj on Tuesday met at the Council’s headquarters here the Russian delegation led by Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bugdanov the personal envoy of Russian President Vladimir Putin. This visit aims to continue the impulsion created by Al-Serraj visit to Moscow. Russia told to Libya, that their relations will go back to the former level soon. Both countries had been agreed on an increasing of cooperation between both, and also a Russian help in front of the escalation of violences in Libya.

Al-Sirraj: Internatinal community must put the kibosh on military escalation in south Libya

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The Head of the UN-proposed government’s Presidential Council, Fayez Al-Sirraj, has called for an immediate intervention by the international community to stop the current military escalation in southern Libya, which he said is threatening the stability of the country. The urge of Al-Sirraj came in an open letter sent to the Secretary-Generals of the Arab League, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, United Nations, and the Chairman of the African Union Commission, as well as the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. The shadow of the civil war is coming back on Libya

Kobler in political discussions in Tripoli

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On Thursday, Martin Kobler, UN special envoy for Libyan crisis, was in Tripoli, for a political meeting with Serraij (Presidency Council-PC) and State Council President Abdulrahman Sewehli. Kobler has also met some deputies of HoR (House of Representatives) who are now in Tripoli. Kobler told that organization of a meeting between HoR and State Council is the main priority. He told at the end of meetings “Libya will rise again”.

Libyan Parliament has broke the negotiation for a united Libya after the attacks of the oil croissant, and the opposition to the Haftar regime

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According to the French newspaper, Libyan Parliament seating in Tobrouk (East Libye) has broke the negotiation for a united Libya after the attacks of the oil croissant, and the opposition to the Haftar regime. He has also withdraw his signature from the Skhirat agreement, signed on Dicember 2015, under ONU supervision. This Parliament had never recognize the Parliament of Tripoli under Sarraj presidency. This oil crisis in perspective will aggravate the Libyan chaos.

Tunisia, Egypt and Algeria have unveiled a fresh initiative to further political reconciliation in Libya

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At the end of two days of talks on Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and Algeria have unveiled a fresh initiative to further political reconciliation in the country, but say any solution must be based on the December 2015 Skhirat agreement. The move follows the failure of Egyptian-hosted attempts at a meeting between Presidency Council head FaiezSerraj and the eastern military supremoKhalifaHafter. The three countries hope to organise a successful meeting between the pair. The ‘Tunis Declaration’, signed by Egyptian foreign minister SamehShoukry, Algerian Minister for Maghreb, African and Arab Affairs AbdelkaderMessahel and Tunisian foreign minister KhemaiesJhinaoui, also rejected foreign intervention or the use of force in finding a resolution and called for a unified Libyan military operating alongside the country’s various state institutions. At a press conference in Tunis today, the three said their countries would “step up efforts to achieve comprehensive reconciliation”. However, they added, ultimately “a viable settlement can only be achieved by the Libyan people themselves”. They also announced Algiers would host a further tripartite summit to further explore remedies to the crisis in Libya. No date was given. Tunisian president BejiCaidEssebi joined the deliberations for part of them.

Ageela Saleh refused to meet Serraj; The intransigence of each party has resulted in the stagnation of a political solution and has increased the suffering of the Libyan people

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Presidency Council leader FaiezSerraj has claimed that the reason there was no meeting in Cairo between himself and KhalifaHafter was because Hafter had insisted on House of Representatives (HoR) President Ageela Saleh taking part in the talks but that Saleh had refused to meet Serraj. In an interview with the London-based Arabic daily Asharq Al-Awsat Serraj, who flew back to Tripoli last night from the Egyptian capital, blamed the breakdown on the stubbornness of the other two. “The intransigence of each party has resulted in the stagnation of a political solution and has increased the suffering of the Libyan people” he said. Ageela Saleh has already been accused by the US and the EU of blocking a settlement of the Libyan crisis and as a result is now sanctioned by both. Despite the problems in Cairo, Serraj nonetheless stated in his interview that he believed that dialogue would “inevitably” find a way out, adding that he would announce a new roadmap in the next few days.

The agreement between Gentiloni and al-Sarraj is already null

On Wednesday the Tobruk-based Libyan House of Representatives said that it considers a recent Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Italian prime minister Paolo Gentiloni and Chairman of the Presidential Council of Libya Fayez al-Sarraj to be null and void. The agreement was for cooperation and development and against clandestine migration, human trafficking and smuggling. It also included measures to strengthen border control. The anouncement was made by the Tobruk parliamentary body itself in a statement through the Al-Wasat website, which said that the presidential council and its president did not have jurisdiction to make such choices on the basis of the constitution and judicial sentences. ”An issue like that of clandestine migration, ” the statement said, ”is one of the important issues linked to the choice of the Libyan people through the representatives that they elected democratically through voting, and not the interests of individuals that do not have the trust of the House of Representatives, which is the legitimate power, nor the interests of European countries, and especially the Italian Republic.” Italy, it continued, ”is trying to get rid of the burden and the dangerous problems caused by clandestine migration at the security, economic and social level in exchange for a bit of material support that it is forced to offer to reduce the number of illegal migrants.”

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