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Fake funeral organized by group militants to carry out bombs in eastern Mosul

Deadly bombings in eastern Mosul on Kokjali area, which was declared IS-free two months ago, were reportedly carried out with three booby-trapped vehicles driven by ISIS’s members. The bombs were carried out using a security loophole as army forces failed to scrutinize a fake funeral organized by group militants. They left at least 30 dead, including army soldiers, and 60 wounded, according to security sources quoted by the media but how the suiciders managed to enter in the area was not clear until the rights commission gave its account. “The group used army forces’ failure to search a fake funeral they set on from the neighboring IS-held al-Quds district,”   said the commission.

Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights wants the liberation of the Eastern Mosul district of Muthanna

The Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights pleaded the government on Friday to liberate the Eastern Mosul district of Muthanna from ISIS where the residents suffer from militants abuses and livelihood constraints. It’s necessary a strategy to secure a safe exit for families there,  according to the commission. IS obliged the residents of 200 homes to evacuate them after plundering their possessions. The commission added that indiscriminate shooting continues on the district for a second week, reaching almost every single house. “Muthanna is an afflicted neighborhood, with no water, no electricity, no fuel, no food and no shops opening.” The situation which, it warned, could degenerate with those families used as human shields.

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