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U.S.: Democrats criticize Senate's all-male healthcare group

BreakingNews @en di

U.S. Democrats on Sunday criticized the lack of women on a working group in the Republican-led Senate that will craft a plan to pass legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare. As the Senate begins to wrestle with a Republican healthcare bill narrowly approved by the House of Representatives last week, senators questioned why the 13-member working group put together by Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell does not include any of the chamber’s five Republican women. “Women’s health is a big part of this and women are a majority of the population, and their health interests deserve to be contemplated in any reform”, Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein of California said on NBC’s “Meet the Press”.

The Democratic National Committee has chosen Tom Perez as new party leader

BreakingNews @en di

The Democratic National Committee has chosen its new leader, will be Thomas Perez, former Secretary of Labor during the Obama administration and Department of Justice civil rights lawyer, defeated his closest rival, Congressman Keith Ellison, who will cover the post of deputy. Perez’s victory was helped by the support of the party establishment, in particular Joe Biden and Eric Holder, the new leader has made it clear that it intends to rebuild the party according to a model less centralized, Perez will look to take advantage of the strong political mobilization against Trump to strengthen the party in his local detachments. The election of Perez marks for the Democratic Party a sharp left turn that the new party leader must be able to control, avoiding that was occurred to the GOP that has been found to have an internal faction, the Tea Party, stronger of the same party.

Democrats will meet in Atlanta to choose their chairman that will challenge Trump in the next presidential election

BreakingNews @en di

The Democratic National Committee will meet in Atlanta, Georgia, to choose the new chairman, practically the one who will be the front runner for the next presidential elections. The need to choose a new leader has emerged from the unexpected defeat in the presidential election in November and especially from the obligation to reorganize the party ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, where Democrats hope to regain a majority in Congress following five years. The candidates are many, but the most probable are former Labor Secretary Tom Perez, a favorite of former Obama administration officials, Deputy Keith Ellison of Minnesota, the first Muslim elected to the Congress, and the two leaders of the more liberal area of the party,Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren. If none of the candidates  obtain a majority of 447 votes will go to a second round in which the candidate with fewer votes will eliminate.


Strategy to save the Obamacare law

BreakingNews @en di

President Obama met on Capitol Hill several of Democrats Senators and Representatives, including the minority whips of the House of Representatives and of the Senate. Obama is working together with his Congressmen to try to work out a strategy to save the law on health insurance, renamed Obamacare. In fact, until now Obamacare has survived thanks to the presidential veto power, but by January 20 will no longer be possible. A meeting, similar to the one that Obama had today, was also made by the Republicans, under the guidance of Vice-President Mike Pence. In this meeting the Republicans choose, on the advice of the President of the Commission for the Budget of the Senate, Mike Enzi, to scrap Obamacare with a procedure that requires a simple majority. In fact, the Republicans can count on a majority in both houses of Congress.

Rex Tillerson attacked by Democrats over tax returns

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

Democrats attacked the Secretary of State nominated, Rex Tillerson, who promised to provide at the Foreign Relations Commitee of the Senate tax returns for the last 3 years, which did not. The President of the Foreign Relations Commitee of the Senate, the Republican Bob Corker has tried to downplay the incident remembering that the presentation of the tax returns is not obligatory for the appointment, rather than the Democrats Corker is busy in trying to convince the dissidents republicans in Senate to accept the appointment of Tillerson, of which moreover does not seem absolutely convinced even the same Corker. What is certain is that the battle to officialy nominate Tillerson as Secretary of State will not be easy at all.

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