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Congo: attaccata base Onu, è strage di caschi blu, 15 morti e più di 50 feriti


Almeno 15 uomini dei caschi blu dell’Onu sono rimasti uccisi in un violentissimo attacco, avvenuto lo scorso 7 dicembre nella provincia del Kivu Nord, nella Repubblica democratica del Congo. Il numero dei feriti è ancora da stabilire, stando alle dichiarazioni rilasciate dal direttore delle operazioni dell’ONU, Ian Sinclair, sarebbero circa 53 uomini. Sinclair ha inoltre identificato la provenienza delle vittime, erano soldati della Tanzania. Il segretario generale ONU, Antonio Guterres definisce l’attacco come “il peggiore della storia recente”.

Il Consiglio di Sicurezza ha condannato con forza l’”efferato attacco”, ribadendo il proprio pieno sostegno nei confronti delle istituzioni della missione di pace. ”Questi attacchi intenzionali contro le forze di pace delle Nazioni Unite sono inaccettabili e costituiscono un crimine di guerra” ha detto il Segretario generale António Guterres, aggiungendo: “condanno questo attacco in modo inequivocabile.”

Inoltre, esortando le autorità della RDC a indagare sull’incidente e a portare rapidamente i colpevoli alla giustizia, il capo delle Nazioni Unite ha sottolineato: “non ci deve essere impunità per tali assalti, qui o in qualsiasi altro luogo.”

Sebbene non si abbiano ancora certezze sui responsabili, in queste ore si sta indagando su quanto accaduto. Un comunicato della “Monusco” ha riferito che ad attaccare sono stati “sospetti elementi delle Allied Democratic Force(ADF)”. Il riferimento è nei confronti di un gruppo di ribelli attivi , sin dagli anni novanta, nelle zone tra Congo e Uganda. Il loro obbiettivo dichiarato è quello di sconfiggere il presidente dell’Uganda, Yoweri Musuveni, ma attualmente costituisce il maggior pericolo nazionale anche per la Repubblica Democratica del Congo. Inoltre questo gruppo di miliziani, che tuttavia non sarebbe legato alle formazioni Jihadiste africane, si è reso protegonista di diversi attacchi nei confronti dei caschi blu dell’Onu, già in passato. Lo scorso ottobre, infatti, un attacco ad una base operativa, sempre nell’instabile regione del Kivu Nord, ha causato 2 morti e 18 feriti.

Missione Monusco. La missione di pace delle Nazioni Unite in Congo, conosciuta con l’acronimo di Monusco, ha l’obbiettivo di stabilizzare il territorio del paese centroafricano, che per via delle sue caratteristiche, con ampie risorse minerarie, oggi è teatro di contesa tra vari gruppi armati, che negli ultimi anni si sono resi protagonisti di diversi conflitti. La missione, come riportato dal sito ufficiale, è in corso dal 2010.

WHO confirms more Ebola cases in Congo

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The World Health Organisation on Monday confirmed a second Ebola case in Congo. So far there are 19 suspect cases, including three deaths and two lab-confirmed cases. The first case was confirmed in Bas-Uele province in the north-east. The outbreak appears to be limited to that remote area, and there is no need for travel restrictions for the time being. The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, a continent-wide mechanism to monitor disease outbreaks, said it had activated its emergency operational centre to monitor the situation in Congo. The Central African country has suffered seven previous outbreaks of Ebola since the virus was discovered in the country in 1976. The last outbreak, in 2014, left 49 people dead. The haemorrhagic fever has been most detrimental in West Africa, where it claimed more than 11,000 lives in 2014 to 2015. The WHO declared Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, the three countries that had been most effected by the epidemic, free of Ebola in 2016.

Sixteen UN members released after being taken hostage in eastern RDC

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Sixteen members of the UNO were freed after being taken in hostage during the day by south-Sudanese ex-rebels in a refugee camp in the east of the RDC.”We can confirm with joy that the set of 16 members of the Monusco (the mission of United Nations in RDC), who were held earlier (…) Were freed”, explained a person in charge of the UN, without giving however the generalities of the people which were held. “These abductions took place in the camp for war veterans of Munigi, in the east of the RDC. The camp is quiet and under total control of Monusco. All its members are gone back their home in safety”, added this person in charge. According to the same source, the incident did not make a victim and an investigation opened.

Kasaï – 50 Dead in Two Days of Clashes in Mweka

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About fifty people (it’s a provisional estimate) were killed during the confrontations of Thursday and Friday between militiaman Kamuina Nsapu and the army in the villages of Kabawu, Sungi and Sangila in Kasaï. Several victims’ bodies identified as militiaman Kamuina Nsapu were almost everywhere. “The uncivic were routed by the commandos of the FARDC and the number of persons killed would be sixty”, indicated the administrator of the territory of Mweka, Jean Shesh. According to an officer of the army, the servicemen arrived at Mweka were in confrontation with the militiamen with Kabawu, then to Sungi and to Sangila. The confrontations between forces of the militiamen, referring to the deceased traditional village chief Kamuina Nsapu in the provinces of Kasaï, Kasaï Central, Kasaï Oriental and Lomami, made more than 400 deaths and more than 150 000 moved in six months.

Congo: the Bruno Tshibala nominee pushes the country in the crisis

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The Bruno Tshibala nomination as a Prime Minister does not find the consent of many european parthner : the European Union observes the lack of consensus which surrounded his naming. For Brussels Kinshasa should appoint proper election by the end of the year. Kinshasa seems to isolates itself more and more, far from solving the problem the Bruno Tshibala nominee pushes the country in the crisis. It is made clear by the demonstration of the Opposition which create a paralysis of the city of Kinshasa yesterday morning. This was the official declaration by the European Union: The European Union (EU) takes note of the speech of President Kabila of April 5th on the state of the Nation, followed by the name of a new Prime Minister, contrary literally and to the spirit of the Agreement of December 31st, 2016. The UE observes the lack of consensus on this naming and marks its big concern on this matter. The restoring of a wide national consensus for a government appointed for elections before the end of the year is at the heart of said Agreement. In this respect, the EU supports the new resolution 2348 which the United Nations Security Council has just adopted unanimously, who asks RDC to set immediately the Agreement of December 31st, 2016, honestly and in its entirety.

Bruno Tshibala declared he will follow the Saint Sylvester agreement

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For the first time since he has been nominated, Bruno Tshibala (Prime Minister) had a meeting with the Congolase President Joseph Kabilia, in order to fix the priorities of the new government of transition. Bruno Tshibala declared he will follow the Saint Sylvester agreement, asking to UDPS party to substain him during his mandate, saying that he will do whataver is in his power to accomplish the agreement, which was about: the organization of the elections in the fixed terms, the control of macroeconomic frame, the restauration of the State in the critic areas. The mission of this government has been drown with the contribute of the Interdiocesan Centre too, during discussions led under the aegis of the bishops. 53 will be the members of Tshibala’s government, 39 ministers and 14 fice ministers, and for this reason he will have to consult all the parties, according to Saint Sylvestre agreement.

The ONU security Council reduced the number of UN troop

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The ONU security Council reduced the number of UN troops, unanimously has been decided to keep the UN Organization Stabilization Mission (MONUSCO) until 31 March 2018 but reducing military personnel, military observer, staff officers and formed police units. The Council also decided that the strategic priorities of MONUSCO are to contribute to the protection of civilians, in that regard the Council called on the Government of the DRC to ensure a transparent and credible electoral process, in fulfilment of their responsibility to create conditions for the next elections. The Council tasked the Mission to ensure a protection of civilians under physical violence, including preventing and stopping all armed groups from inflicting violence on the populations. The Secretary-General was requested to ensure a full compliance of MONUSCO with the United Nations zero-tolerance policy on abuse and to keep the Council fully informed about the Mission progress through reports.

Diplomatic Isolation for Kabilia? Seems like there might be a cooling down between Vatican State and Kinshasa

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Seems like there might be a cooling down between Vatican State and Kinshasa. The proof is the cancellation of Pope Francis’s visit to RDC, therefore posticipated between july and august 2017. The reason why Pope Francis did cancel his visit to President Joseph Kabilia has been clearified during an interview in which the Pope expressed deep regret saying: < it was planned to go to Congo but, with Kabilia, I don’t think it will be possible to go>. At Kinshasa the common opinion is that Kabilia did not mantain his promise he made during a one year ago gathering at Rome: to work for a democratic alternance preparing the elections. But Kabilia preferred to not ensure the alternance fabricating excuses. The Government spokeperson’s reaction has been arrogant: “Pope’s visit will not change anything”. Now the question is: on who is going to count on RDC, if it isn’t accepted from his population nor international parthers? It is called: Diplomatic Isolation.

UN Organization in Human Rights ask Commission of enquiry on the violence committed against the civilians in DRC

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The High-Commissioner of the UN Organization in Human Rights, Zeid Ra’ Ad Al Hussein asked for the establishment of a Commission of enquiry on the violence committed against the civilians in DRC, after the discovery of three mass graves in Grand Kasai. The High Commissioner declared in front of the Council that his office will attentively watch the judicial development concerning the actions of the security forces which caused the death of more than 100 people between September and December. Moreover he complain too about the fact that no real progress has been made within the agreement concluded on December 31th 2016 between the Government and the opposition. The arrangement plans that president Joseph Kabila ( whose mandate ended in December 2016) will stay for an additional year. In return the Opposition has to rule a government of transition until the new election, planned at the end of 2017. In last februaryMr Hussein asked DCR to out an end to the “massive violation of Human Rights” and the massive executions committed bu its armed forces. Since september 2016 Grand Kasai is the theatre of a rebellion caused by the conflict between the village Chief KamwinaNsapu and the central power. This pushed the State to send armed forces of DCR where there was the risk of conflict, even massacring peaceful defenseless villagers.

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