For the first time since he has been nominated, Bruno Tshibala (Prime Minister) had a meeting with the Congolase President Joseph Kabilia, in order to fix the priorities of the new government of transition. Bruno Tshibala declared he will follow the Saint Sylvester agreement, asking to UDPS party to substain him during his mandate, saying that he will do whataver is in his power to accomplish the agreement, which was about: the organization of the elections in the fixed terms, the control of macroeconomic frame, the restauration of the State in the critic areas. The mission of this government has been drown with the contribute of the Interdiocesan Centre too, during discussions led under the aegis of the bishops. 53 will be the members of Tshibala’s government, 39 ministers and 14 fice ministers, and for this reason he will have to consult all the parties, according to Saint Sylvestre agreement.
Bruno Tshibala declared he will follow the Saint Sylvester agreement
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