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Protect Yemen civilians is one of the top priorities for the Saudi-led coalition

Protect Yemen civilians is one of the top priorities for the Saudi-led coalition. The coalition forces have an interest in restoring legitimacy in Yemen and show concern for the lives of civilians and for humanitarian rights. The coalition is constantly working with UN organizations and International Red Cross and Red Crescent societies to support humanitarian effrots. There is also an independent team which is working to develop investigation procedures on accidents and incidents and provides reports about each incident. The coalition is trying to evacuate civilians in conflict areas before launching airstrikes on hiding places of Houthis and other rebels but Houthis are using civilians as human shields and deliberately hid fighters and weapons near civilians in al-Mokha and Taiz to avoid being attacked, evenf if in violation of international humanitarian law.

Hamas movement denied reports of his invitation to attend the Fatah party’s 7th congress

BreakingNews @en di

The Hamas movement denied reports that it had been invited to attend the Fatah party’s seventh congress later this month, Hamas spokesperson Hazem Qasim told Ma’an on Monday. Qasim said that Hamas would not take part in Fatah’s internal conflicts, and called on the ruling party of the Palestinian Authority (PA) to unite itself and focus on the national struggle against Israeli occupation. Fatah spokesman Mahmoud al-Hija, had previously said in a statement that Fatah had invited all Palestinian factions to attend the conference, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

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