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Organization againts terrorism receives at least 15/20 complaints of torture per month

The Tunisian organization against torture receives 15 to 20 complaints of torture and mistreatment a month, said its president Radhia Nasraoui. She asserted that torture is a practice that persists in Tunisia. According to the president of the organization, the criminalization of torture (while excluding the prescription) and the creation of a national mechanism against torture are the main gains of the revolution. Radhia Nasraoui participated Saturday in a meeting in Medenine on the relations between citizens and the police. In another connection, the activist voiced readiness to defend the right of ousted president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali to a fair trial if he confesses his crimes against the Tunisian people and apologizes. She refuses, however, to take up his case, she insisted. Tackling the theme of the meeting, Radhia Nasraoui asserted not to feed any grudge against the police despite the abuses suffered under the old regime.

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