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capitol hill

Attorney General Sessions met the Russian Ambassador Kislyak at least twice last year, democratic lawmakers clamoring for the resignation

BreakingNews @en di

Some of the senior members of the Justice Department admitted that the Attorney General Jeff Sessions met the Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak at least twice last year, ie before being appointed head of the Department of Justice. Democratic lawmakers clamoring for the resignation because Sessions, while not violating the Logan Act, however  has lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee during her confirmation hearing, in fact, Sessions has denied any involvement with people linked to Russia during the months in which he was a consultant of the Trump campaign. The Attorney General defended himself stating that at the time of fact was a member of the Armed Services Committee of the Senate and due of his position came into contact with several ambassadors including the Russian one, the position has been refuted as 20 of the 26 Committee members said they had not encountered anyone, meetings with Kislyak would still be suspicious because it seems that one of the two meetings will be held in the office of Sessions on Capitol Hill and have regarded the opinion that the American Intelligence had made on cyber attacks carried out by Moscow against the Democrats.

U.S. lawmakers push for answers of unclear relationships between the new administration Trump and the Russian government

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

The resignation of National Security Advisor have brought to light the issue of unclear relationships between the new administration Trump and the Russian government, many Republican lawmakers claim that is made clarity on the subject, not only through the establishment of a bipartisan commission of inquiry but also through in-depth investigation by the Intelligence Agencies. The White House, with the help of the Department of Justice and loyalists of Capitol Hill, trying to ward off this possibility,the supporters of Trump are willing to initiate a parliamentary investigation as long as have lead it will be the existing Parliamentary Commitees led by the GOP. In this sense, the President has renewed yesterday, during a press conference with Israeli Prime Minister, his esteem for the former Advisor Michael Flynn that,according to Trump,would be victim of “mistreatment by the media

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