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Canada @en

Iran, Canada firm on reestablishing diplomatic ties

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Iran’s deputy FM Ghashghavi said the Canadian government has voiced eagerness to reestablish ties with Iran and the Islamic Republic is also seeking to have dignified relations with the North American country.  Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Consular, Parliamentary and Iranian Affairs Hassan Ghashghavi made the remark in a radio interview on Saturday while discussing the holding of Iran’s 12th presidential election abroad. According to him, the elections will be held in 103 countries, while Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Canada have been excluded from the list due to lack of diplomatic ties. While Iran was not too concerned with placing ballot boxes in Saudi Arabia and Sudan due to the small number of Iranians living there, Canada – currently home to 400,000 Iranians – was a completely different story. “We made a lot of efforts to make it possible for the Iranians living in Canada to take part in the election, but unfortunately due to lack of diplomatic ties and some technical issues, we have been unable to do so”, he said. Ghashghavi went on to add that given the fact that only one week remains until the election, it will be highly unlikely that the two countries would arrive at an agreement on this issue.


Launch of a study for the extraction in Tunisia of unconventional hydrocarbons

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During a workshop shall be chaired by Minister of energy, Hela Cheikhrouhou, and Minister of local affairs and of environmental, Riadh Mouakher, with the presence of the president of Energy Committee, Ameur Laârayedh, the Ministers announced an assessment study about the extraction of non-conventional hydrocarbons. Consortium is composed by two consultants from Canada and Tunisia, for a cost of 2 million of dinars. The study’ aim is to lower negative impact on the environment, during the process of extraction, then it will allow to evaluate the hydrocarbon’s reserves. Non-conventional hydrocarbons are the most difficult fossil fuels to extract, and most important non-conventional hydrocarbons are tar sands, heavy oil, shale oil.

Efforts Underway to Let Iranians in North America Vote in Presidential Election.

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Iran’s Foreign Ministry said it has been pursuing diplomacy to allow the Iranian nationals residing in the US and Canada to vote in the upcoming presidential election simultaneous with the polls at home. The Foreign Ministry has made all arrangements for holding the presidential election abroad and has taken all necessary measures in this regard, the ministry’s spokesman Bahram Qassemi said. Considering the relatively high number of Iranians residing in the US, the Foreign Ministry has taken all necessary measures to set up polling stations there, he noted. As regards Canada, Qassemi said Iran hopes to be able to have ballot boxes in that country, despite the fact that Tehran and Ottawa have no diplomatic relations. The Foreign Ministry is making efforts through diplomatic channels to obtain permission to dispatch ballot boxes to Canada, he noted.

Trump says US won't leave NAFTA,for now.President Donald Trump said he has told the leaders of Mexico and Canada that he will not pull out of the North American Free Trade Agreement at this time, but could still withdraw if he concludes

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President Donald Trump said he has told the leaders of Mexico and Canada that he will not pull out of the North American Free Trade Agreement at this time, but could still withdraw if he concludes a renegotiated pact is not “a fair deal for all”. Trump tweeted early Thursday that he has agreed to remain a partner in the much-discussed trade agreement in calls he received from Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The White House released a statement late Wednesday saying only that Trump had assured the two leaders in phone conversations that the U.S. would not withdraw from NAFTA at this time.

Australia rejects 500 Iraqi and Syrian refugees for security reasons

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More than 500 Syrian and Iraqi refugees have been refused entry to Australia during more than a year of vetting, with 12,000 other Syrians being found eligible for resettlement, Immigration Minister Peter Dutton said; the screening process had been based on intelligence provided by several countries, including the USA, Britain and Canada. The minister also justified the mesures taken in this year, taking the attack near Britain’s Parliament on Wednesday, in which an assailant with suspected links to Islamist terrorism killed three people and wounded dozens more using a car and a knife before being shot dead, as an alarm of the need of more security.

US estimated that the review of NAFTA will begin later this year

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During an interview with Bloomberg Secretary to American trade, Wilbur Ross, has suggested that the negotiations for the modification of NAFTA could last about a year and has already begun the first contacts with the representatives of Mexico and Canada. Ross said the Trump administration does not intend to overturn the NAFTA against  Mexico, but only wants to change some aspects of the Trade to make a way that some part of the jobs losted due to NAFTA will return in the USA. The amendment to the NAFTA does not like at some of US lawmakers, especially those of the states on the border with Mexico, who fear a decline of the local economy.

PM of Canada Justin Trudeau met Trump today

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Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, met President Donald Trump today at the White House. At the center of the debate, there were trade relations between the two countries but also the signature of a memorandum which foresees the foundation of the United States-Canada Council for the Advancement of women Business Leaders-female Entrepreneurs, an organization that should be addressed to encourage women wishing to start a business venture. Probably the two leaders discussed about the NAFTA, that Trump would change because he believes it’s unfair to both the US and Canada, but neither Trudeau made statements in this regard.

Relations between Canada and Saudi Arabia are distinguished 

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Canadian Foreign Minister Stephane Dion said relations between the Kingdom and his country are distinguished. He was speaking Friday while he met with the president of the Saudi Human Rights Commission, Bander Al-Aiban, in Ottawa. He said human rights in the Kingdom are witnessing tangible developments. Dion said during the meeting that relations between the Kingdom and his country are excellent and that goes for human rights development in both countries. They discussed a number of other issues of joint concern, the relations between the two countries and ways of developing them. Al-Aiban highlighted the Kingdom’s efforts under Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman in supporting human rights issues at all levels, in addition to what Saudi Arabia does to uphold justice.

First edition of Mediterranean Meetings in Human Resources: over 700 are going to partecipate

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Over 700 business leaders, businessmen, human resources managers, academics and students from Tunisia, Algeria, France, Canada and several African countries are taking part in the 1st edition of the Mediterranean Meetings on Human Resources, held on November 4-5 in Yasmine Hammamet, President of the meeting Maha Chehata Meddeb told TAP. Under the theme of : “HR Prospective: Context and Challenges,” the event is organised by human resources managers in partnership with the Tunisian Institute of Strategic Studies (ITES). The goal is to develop a strategy to promote the management of human resources which will be submitted to ITES to serve as a reference in its prospective studies on Tunisia in 2025. ITES Director Hatem Ben Salem laid emphasis on the need for Tunisia to build a forward-looking vision on employment, investment, business, and human resources management taking into account the major transformations facing jobs and the markets in the next decades, as 50% of the current jobs will disappear he said by reference to several studies.

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