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Arab League

Southern fightings risks political process as well as lives says EU

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EU has expressed its worries on Libyan clashes, which are taking place in South Libya. “The clashes and
escalation of violence in the south of Libya endanger the political process and put Libyan citizens’ lives at risk” it
said in a statement today. EU has also recalled the necessity to pass by negotiation to put a end to the conflict
which is dividing the country since 2015. The statement said that as part of the quartet with the UN, Arab League
and African Union, the EU would continue to support a political settlement based on the UN Security Council’s
framework. Which means that an accord need to be find under the LPA (Libyan Political Agreement) signed on
December 2015 under UN supervision.

Arab Leaders At Summit Endorse Two-State Solution

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The 28th Araban League Summit endorsed the two-state solution in its closing statement on Wednesday, saying the Arab world would be ready to reconcile with Israel if it withdrew from the land it conquered in the 1967 war. They affirmed that they will continue to work to relaunch serious Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations that take place within a set period of time based on the two-state solution. Trump surprised Arab leaders on February 15 when he said that he does not commit to a two-state solution. He said to Nethanyau that he’s looking at two-state or one-state, he likes the one that both parties like. He’s very happy with the one both parties like. Abbas also said that Arab leaders will convey the summit’s conclusions on the Israel-Palestinian conflict to Trump in “one voice” in their upcoming meetings with the American president. Abbas also said that Israel s preventing peace and cooperation infact Israel is continuing to expand settlements and undermining the chances of achieving peace. The parties discussed a final agreement that would include recognition of Israel as a Jewish state and changes to the pre-1967 armistice lines through land swaps.

The Arab League, the European Union, the African Union, and the United Nations renewed their commitment to the Libyan stability

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The Arab League, the European Union, the African Union, and the United Nations renewed their commitment to the Libyan stability, sovereignty, integrity, and the unity of institutions emanating from the Libyan Political Agreement (PA) that signed in Skhirat, confirming the need for peaceful settlement to the Libyan crisis, refusing intimidation or use of military power, and the foreign intervention. The quadrilateral meeting has expressed its oppositions to recent violences in the Oil crescent, and told its preoccupation about recent violences in Tripoli. But it had recalled the necessity to overpass these conflicts to reach peace. The role of regional partners had been underlined, and EU has promised an economical help plan of E120 millions to deal about immigration.

Lebanon: Aoun’s stance towards Hezbollah arms could result in UNIFIL withdrawal

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Ambassadors of 6 major countries sounded the alarm Friday over President Michel Aoun’s latest statements about Hezbollah’s arms, amid threats that the the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon or UNIFIL could withdraw its peacekeeping mission from south Lebanon. A meeting was held on February 15 at the United Nations headquarters in Yarze. It included ambassadors of the International Support Group for Lebanon, the US, France, Britain, Germany, Italy and China in addition to the EU ambassador and Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in Lebanon and Arab League Representative. The meeting addressed three main issues: The upcoming parliamentary elections and the new electoral law, the security situation in Lebanon including backing the Lebanese Army, the International Brussels Conference on the Syrian crisis and the Syrian refugees in Lebanon.Talks highlighted the latest statement of Aoun during an official visit to Egypt, during which they said does not abide by resolution 1701, but merely reflects visions of a single Lebanese party. The US ambassador has however, revealed a tendency to pull the UNIFIL forces from southern Lebanon if the country does not abide by international conventions.

President Beji Caid Essebsi meets Khemaies Jhinaoui for a comprehensive political settlement in Libya

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President BejiCaidEssebsi Thursday received at Carthage Palace Foreign Minister KhemaiesJhinaoui. This meeting focused on  the latest developments as part of the presidential initiative for a comprehensive political settlement in Libya. They discussed also of the contacts established with the different Libyan sides and the Jhinaoui’spartecipation on the 34° regular session of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC). Tunisia will chair the Arab League Council, on the Foreign Ministers’ level set for March 7 in Cairo, Egypt. Jhinaoui also will visit Baghdad on March 8-9 to strenghten bilateral relation between Tunisia and Iraq.

Arab League’s envoy, encourages Serraj to make compromises, based on the Libyan Political Agreement

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In continuing regional efforts to find a solution to the Libya crisis, the Arab League’s special envoy, SalaheddineJamali, has urged FaiezSerraj to make compromises, but still based on the Libyan Political Agreement (LPA). In Jamali’s first visit to Libya today since his appointment last November, the two discussed how Libya could pull itself out of the current political deadlock. Thanking the Arab League for its support and Jamali for visiting, Presidency Council (PC) head Serraj said he would offer practical solutions and suggestions at the Arab League summit next month in Amman, Jordan. Jamali also met State Council chairman AbdulrahmenSewehli. According to the State Council, they discussed providing assistance to the “legitimate authorities” in the context of the LPA. Both sides also evaluated the initiatives by Egypt, Algeria and Tunisia. including yesterday’s “Tunis Declaration” Jamali, who is usually based in his home country of Tunisia, last month, met with Egyptian foreign minister SamehShoukry to discuss the Libya crisis. He also met HoR President Ageela Saleh in Tunis. He is yet to meet KhalifaHafter.

Secretary General of the Arab League met with President Abbas

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Secretary General of the Arab League, Ahmed Abul-Gheit, arrived on Wednesday in Ramallah ahead of the opening ceremony of Yasser Arafat Museum, and later met with President Mahmoud Abbas at the presidential headquarters in Ramallah where they discussed the situation in Palestine in addition to Arab support for the Palestinian people. Abbas stressed the importance of coordination between the Arab League and the Palestinian leadership on future steps to protect Palestinian rights and to work towards ending the Israeli occupation. Abbas also said that it was important that there should be Arab backing to the French initiative to convene an international conference on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict before the end of this year to resume the peace process.

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