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Al-Orabi denies that Trump will discuss a plan to establish a Palestinian state in Gaza and Sinai with Netanyahu

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

Massive controversy and outrage dominated Egypt’s social media outlets on Tuesday following the circulation of statements from a prominent Israeli minister, who claimed on his twitter account that Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US president Donald Trump will discuss a plan to establish a Palestinian state in Gaza and the Sinai peninsula and not in the West Bank. The Israeli minister Ayoub Kara added that Netanyahu agreed with him regarding the plan and that he will open discussions with Trump on it. In response to the statements from the Israeli minister, former Egyptian foreign affairs minister Mohammed Al-Orabi asserted that these statements are meaningless and have nothing to do with reality.“These statements should not be considered important by the officials in Egypt’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs as it does not have anything to do with reality and would be refused by Egypt’s authorities and the international community if they were proposed” Al-Orabi said.

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