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24 air strikes launched by US-Saudi aggression warplanes on Saada

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US-Saudi aggression warplanes launched 24 air strikes on several areas of Bakim district in Saada province over the past hours, dropping in some raids cluster bombs. The official said the strikes targeted Menabih, Thaban, Al Maghram and Al Zamah areas of the border district, killing a mother and her two daughters. The strikes were carried out simultaneously with missile shelling by the enemy Saudi missile forces against the same areas.

US-backed Saudi-led aggression jets and mercenaries breached the ceasefire about 114 times

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Army spokesman Brig. Gen. Sharaf Luqman said on Monday that the US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition fighter jets and their mercenaries have committed 114 ceasefire breaches, which have been monitored and documented in several Yemeni provinces. The Saudi-led alliance, in addition to launching a series of air strikes across Yemen in clear violation to the ceasefire, the coalition also dropped internationally prohibited cluster weapons during the two-day truce. If the alliance of aggression continues breaching the truce, Luqman said it will threaten the peace negotiations and Muscat`s principles Agreement.

Ibb University condemns Saudi aggression warplanes against Faculty of Medicine

BreakingNews @en di

Ibb University strongly condemned the targeting of the Faculty of Medicine by the US-backed Saudi aggression warplanes, the university said in a statement received by Saba on Wednesday: “It is the second time the Saudi-American warplanes targeting the faculty, which clearly indicates the arrogance and malice of the Saudi-led aggression that aims to destroy the educational infrastructure of the Yemeni people”. The university called on the United Nations to preserve the educational infrastructure of the Yemeni people.

GPC national alliance with Ansarullah almost split by aggression infiltrators

Former President of Yemen, the president of General People’s Congress party (GPC), Ali Abdullah Saleh, said that those who were trying to split GCP national alliance with Ansarullah are only the aggression infiltrators. In an article published on his official Facebook, Saleh said that those who were trying to split the national alliance and cast doubt on the credibility of this alliance between the GPC and Ansarullah work in behalf of the aggression and their schemes aiming to harm the nation’s unity, the revolution, the republic. “The higher public interest of the nation requires doubling national efforts to confront the aggression and preserve the nation’s unity, security and stability,” Saleh stressed.

Saada province and Asir region: Saudi warplanes launched several strikes

Saudi-led aggression coalition warplanes launched several strikes on Saada province and Asir region overnight, a security official told Saba on Tuesday. Two strikes targeted al-Malahidh market in al-Dhaher district and other two strikes targeted Shada district in Saada. Meanwhile, the official said that Saudi missiles forces fired shells on several areas in Razih, al-Dhaher and Shada districts, causing worse damage to citizens` houses and farms. Furthermore, the warplanes launched four strikes targeted al-Zaj area in Asir region, the official added.

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