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The loyalists of ISIS have released new distressing execution photos

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The loyalists of ISIS have released new distressing execution photos probably due to growing pressures from the Afghan and US forces during the counter-terrorism operation. The Group has released the horrific execution photos in social media on Sunday night which shows the two men are been executed in different ways. This incident has taken place in Achin district. The loyalists of the terror group accuse the two men of working as spies for the government and execute one of the men with gunshot while the other one is beheaded.

Ghani said that combating against comunist is the same combact against terrorism, 26th of dalwa is the day that Russian troops withdrew Afghanistan 28 years ago

BreakingNews @en di

President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani who attended a ceremony held at Presidential palace on the occasion of 26th of Dalwa equals to withdraw of Russian troops from Afghanistan, insisted over the victory of Afghanistan and winning war against terrorism. He said that combating against comunist is the same combact against terrorism, and according to him Afghanistan will win this war as it won that war. He invited Taliban into a peace and dialogue process because they can’t win this war. He added that Russia after 28 government is repeating the same mistake commited years ago, interfering in the Afghan affairs. 26th of dalwa is the day that Russian troops withdrew Afghanistan 28 years ago, they were defeated by the Mujahidin.

Mosca will call a meeting with regional powers to resolve the afghan conflict

BreakingNews @en di

Russia has affirmed that Mosca will call a meeting with regional powers to risolve the afghan conflict and pushing to include Taliban in dialogue. Russian Minister of the Interior, Sergej Lavrov, has confirmed on 7 febbraio to the Afghan Minister of the Interior, Salahuddin Rabbani, that Mosca will host a conference to risolve the Afghan crisi. At this conference will take parte Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, Iran e India. This meeting don’t concern the partecipation of the NATO powers who have Always had troops in te afghan territory since american invasion in 2001.

Afghanistan’s President and CEO called on all Afghans to comply with the provisions of the nation’s constitution

President Ashraf Ghani and CEO Abdullah Abdullah on Thursday called on all Afghans to comply with the provisions of the nation’s constitution. The two officials had been speaking at a ceremony in Kabul to mark the 13th anniversary of the ratification of the Afghan constitution. Ghani also discussed the ongoing crisis that Afghans are currently facing and pledged to resolve issues in accordance with the laws of Afghanistan.
According to Ghani, his administration inherited major problems from the previous government, but vowed to resolve them with the help of the people. Ghani also called on government and non-government institutions to ensure the laws are implemented. In addition, Abdullah spoke on the implementation of the political agreement signed between the two officials during the establishment of the National Unity Government (NUG). He said, according to the NUG’s political accord, some amendments need to be considered in the constitution. Meanwhile he  highlighted the importance of the parliamentary system in Afghanistan he said  that new  proposals should not be interpreted as oppositions to the constitution. According to his position, constitutional amendment is one of the key items of the commitments made by the national unity government which is supposed to be discussed at a constitutional Loya Jirga.  The constitutional Loya Jirga stresses on the position of the chief executive or premiership and the issue is quite clear: a commission for the constitutional amendment was also agreed. Afghanistan currently has a centralized political system.

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