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Frontex: “Triton will extend to 139 Nm south of Sicily”

Defence/Europe di

Frontex’s operation area will expand during this summer. Moreover, 3 airplanes, 6 Offshore Patrol Vessels, 12 patrol boats, 2 helicopters, 9 debriefing and 6 screening teams will make avaible to Triton.

“We have dramatically increased the deployment levels in the Central Mediterranean to support the Italian authorities in controlling its sea borders and in saving lives, too many of which have already been tragically lost this year – Frontex’s Executive Director Fabrice Leggeri said. The role of the debriefing officers is particularly important because they collect intelligence about the criminals operating in Libya and other countries of transit. In this way Frontex is assisting the Italian authorities and Europol in their investigations and efforts to dismantle the smuggling networks preying on desperate people”, he added.

After funding’s increasing decided by the last European Council, Triton in Italy and Poseidon Sea in Greece will be stand to Eur 38 and 18 million by the European Commission. And it will be boosted Frontex with further Eur 45 million for both operations from next year.

26 European countries will equip Triton with their experts and technical equipment: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom.
Giacomo Pratali


Libya: Tobruk bombed oil tanker off the coast of Sirte

Defence/Europe/Middle East - Africa di

New military action against a vessel, after Turkish merchant ship’s attack. According to Gb intelligence’s report, foreign fighters pass through France and Italy to reach Lybia.

Still a bombing, this time against an oil tanker near Sirte. After the attack on a merchant turkish on May 11, the Tobruk government’s fighters hit the ship was carrying oil to a terrorist group’s powerhouse, close theTripoli government. Moreover, vessel has suspected to have arms for rebels. Two crew members were injured.

Meanwhile, according to the report published by the British intelligence, foreign fighters have developed a new strategy to enlist in the Islamic state in Libya. To avoid the strict airport controls, these aspiring jihadists arrive in France by sea. And, once in Italy, they left reached Tunis by ferry. Then, reach Derna and Sirte, town controlled by Isis.

The other hot front is immigration. Last Wednesday, Tobruk government sent letter to the United Nations, where it opens a joint action with the European Union “to develop an action plan to address the crisis of immigrants in the Mediterranean”.

A substantial admission of “Lybia’s failure to reduce illegal migration”. But also an important cho, choice, whichsatisfy what the UN resolution on the subject should say: no to the bombing and yes to the inspection of boats before they left Libya.

According to diplomatic sources, this mission should have all Libyan parties’ approval and, therefore, also the Tripoli government. So the mission of the mediator Bernardino Leon to seach an national unity agreement is crucial.

Therefore, Libya’s future and the migration issue are related. “Eu’s choice to operations at sea to dismantle criminal networks and trafficking in human beings in the Mediterranean. The agreement between the two governments is essential”, Eu High Representative Federica Mogherini said after summit with Un in New York.

The political match inside the Security Council will be decisive in the coming days. Although outcome may already be written. Russia is the only one permanent member which dissents with a military operation. But the Kremlin, as well as the US, Britain, France and China, have given their agreement to an international police who, with a solid legal basis, give the “opportunity to inspect, seize and neutralize boats”, the chapter 7 of the UN Charter said.
Giacomo Pratali


Immigration: waiting for Un Security Council

Defence/Europe di

A new military plan seems in Mediterranean context after Eu choice to triple Triton funding.

United Nations will call a straordinary Security Council on 18th May, following 1500 migrants died since the beginning of 2015 in the last two months. After the latest European Council, wherein “Triton” are been tripled, Eu is waiting for this assembly to enact a military action against pontoom coming from Libya. Summit will be opened by Federica Mogherini, Eu High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

Meanwhile, the number of landings is increasing day by day. Italy and Malta have received 300 and 98 migrants in the last two days. Moreover, Catania Public Prosecutor’s Office is inquiring into supposed shipwreck of 40 people, reported by some witness on board ship and Save The Children, happened on the night of Tuesday 5 May 2015.

Giacomo Pratali


Eu: “No military mission in Ukraine”

Defence/Europe/Policy di

Setting Ukraine entry in European Union in Kiev summit beteween Donald Tusk and Petro Poroshenko.

“We are only thinking about civilian mission, not military”. As European Council President Donald Tusk replied to Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko, after he asked European Union an army operation to fight pro-Russians rebels in Donbass. In Kiev summit, Poroshenko said also that Ukraine could reach “necessary requirement to access to Eu in five years”.

About the Eu entry, Ukraine Prime Minister Arsenij Yatseniuk told on La Repubblica in 21st April that “it caused Putin and rebels attack in Donbass. Our civil war costed 1800 soldiers and 6000 civilians killed from 2014. Moreover, the ceasefire is not respected by separatist, who are following to use weapons and fire”, he ended. On the other hand, three pro-Russian journalists are killed in Kiev last week: Oles Buzina, Sergej Sukhobok and Oleg Kalashnikov. While Vladimir Putin told of “political assassination”, several Ukrainian big names unbelievably celebrated them.

Giacomo Pratali


Migrants: Renzi-Ban Ki Moon summit

Defence/Europe/Policy di

The Italian prime minister leaned on the UN Secretary General for international police operation against the boats from Libya.

“Stopping human traffickers in order to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe is an absolute priority, and we count on UN support for this”, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said during the summit with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon EU High Foreign Representative Federica Mogherini. They met on board the San Giusto in Sicily Channel because “I want to physically show him what Italy is doing”, Renzi reiterated.

Migrants slaughter and many landings planned in the coming months made this meeting necessary. After more funding to Triton operation, set last Thursday by the European Council, Italian premier, supported by France, Great Britain and Spain, wishes for an “international police operation” aimed at destroying vessels.

Ban Ki Moon told about an “humanitarian emergency which entire International Community have to answer defending the asylum right. While regarding to Lybian context, Un Secretary General said that “there are no alternatives to dialogue on Libya. Special UN representative Bernardino Leon and his team are following to work with the Libyan sides involved to help them reach together a compromise”, he ended.
Giacomo Pratali


Eu, immigration crisis: more funding to Triton operation

Defence/Europe di

European Council decided to triple Triton operation funding. But Northern countries, like Great Britain, have denied to accept asylum seekers.

€120m to support Triton and Poseidon operations. European Council have decided to increase funds to Mare Nostrum level on 23rd April. A choice which satisfied in half Italy because James Cameron, Angela Merkel and Francoise Hollande, in the previous summit, will render army assistance but will not receive asylum seekers. The Northern Europe leader have asserted that there is no common immigrant policy.

About a possible military operation in Libya, Merkel said it could based only on international law and United Nations resolutions. While European Council President Donald Tusk said leaders had asked EU foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini “to propose actions in order to capture and destroy the smugglers’ vessels before they can be used”.

After more than 800 died last Sunday ad several migrants who arrived to Italy from Libya, Europe lost the opportunity of a common immigration policy. Northern and Southern nations have different point of views.

Even about Mare Nostrum operation, ended last October, received different opinions. For some Eu members it was too expensive and stimulated more immigration. But Human Rights groups and Italian point of view are not in agreement because new Triton plan is “contributing to a dramatic increase in migrant and refugee deaths”.


Giacomo Pratali


Libya, immigration emergency: waiting for Eu solution

Defence/Europe/Middle East - Africa di

More than 21000 migrants could reach Italy in 2015, after more 1700 died this year. So Eu leaders will have a summit today to hold this humanitarian emergency. As Eu Foreign Ministers have already discussed last Monday, it’s necessary an european way to create “a possible security and defence policy operation to this effect, in accordance with international law”, Eu foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said.




Today European Council is working on 10 points plan. More financial resources and extension from Frontex to Triton’s operation area. Fingerprinting of all migrants and immediately deportation for all irregulars. Checking and peace keeping operation in countries bordering on Libyan. Deploying teams for processing of asylum applications. People allocation between European countries.


Furthermore, it’ll be told about a military operation in Tripoli’s harbours, where migrant boats depart to reach Italy. But Tripoli government, “irregular” on International Community point of view, has not accepted this armied solution. The “probably next agreement between two Libyan governments”, how Special Representative of Un Support Mission in Libya Bernardino Leon reported few days ago, could stop if Eu bombed Libyan coasts.



Giacomo Pratali



Nato, the Annual Cmx on the Libyan and Ukrainian backgrounds

Defence di

North Atlantic Council announced the Annual Crisis Management Exercise. The test will involve civilian and military staffs and will concern maritime security. Allies and other States will partecipate in drill.

Annual Crisis Management Exercise (Cmx15) will happen from 4th to 10th March 2015. Ambassadors on the North Atlantic Council (Nac) made this decision imagining a crisis between two non-Nato state at distance from Alliance territory. Test will occur in a ficticious scenario e will involve “civilian and military staffs in Allied capitals, at Nato headquarters and in both Operations and Transformation Strategic Commands. It contains a humanitarian and maritime dimension, with implications for the security of the Allies”, said North Atlantic public notice.

Allies rather than Australia, Finland, Japan, Sweden and Ukraine will take part in drill, while Georgia, New Zealand and South Korea will observe the exercise. The Eu and Un will exchange informations during the test.

This is the 19th Cmx since 1992. The maritime security could be related to Libyan crisis, especially after Stoltenberg’s reassumance to Italian Prime Minister Renzi to support Italy. Whereas the humanitarian aspect could be reffered to escalation of violence in Ukraine, where is growing a new hot “Cold War” between Usa and Russia.

Giacomo Pratali


Risk and Climate change

Defence/Policy di

Climate change is becoming a daily topic of discussion. What is notable is the importance that it has acquired in political debates and academic talks. First of all, is not a new that climate is changing. The new is how fast it is happening and, due to interconnections and interactions between societies and economies, how it is affecting entire regions, how its implications are spreading throughout the planet. What makes it so dangerous is the proportion of changes in time. We live in an incredible age of prosperity, opportunities and global growth that, despite the economic and financial crisis is with no doubts the biggest ever (in terms of quality, quantity, distribution, technology and assets). All this – that is as well bad connected and distributed – is a sign of how much every aspect of our live is dependent from another in terms of space and time.

Studies affirm that in the last thirty years global warming rose much more, in comparison, than in the last 1400 years and in this period the biggest impact of pollution on temperature has been detected in the last 30 years. Researchers agree in defining climate change as a threats multiplier, an accelerant of instability and, most important, an influential ingredient able to exacerbate tension and make conflicts more likely. By acting directly on human essentials needs, it poses new concerns due to his intrinsic ability to stress society, economy, security and infrastructures.

We can divide the risks in two categories. A first risk is the direct one, meaning with this the classic and unfortunately continuous phenomenon like storms, extreme rainfalls, droughts, hurricanes, that have a direct impact on cities for example, causing direct damages to infrastructures. The other one is the indirect risk, the secondary one, or the so called collateral damage we may say. Not for this less dangerous than the first one. This type of risk is a dangerous and worrying one because of one main reason:  the more we rely upon technology, infrastructures and services of different nature to satisfy our needs, the more we have to be concerned of those threats that are able to undermine our security and protect assets and infrastructures. The reason why this two risks can be considered different and at the same time interconnected and dependent one from another is because of the interconnections between economies: society is now a vital asset itself. The interconnection in trade, transport of goods, people, informations as well as the financial system is the key element of our century and will be greater and greater in the next future. This considered, we can assume that a risk can spread its effects out its physical borders, being not more confined to national boundaries or local interest. Given that this has surely dangerous impacts, the point we all have to agree upon is on how much risk we decide to take; considering the inevitability of climate effects on the environment and societies and the absence of a zero risk policy we shall act differently in short time, medium time and long time by taking  necessary measures on the ground of what estimates say and how we want our future planet and lives to look like in the next future. This policies cannot be pushed back to a “to be defined” date.

The wisest decision is the one that is focused on cooperation and, of course, taking in consideration that there are changes that cannot be stopped, other can be measures and therefore faced with policies of sustainability, territory development and enhancement should be a priority. What is sure is that we shall respond to this changes, military shall and politicians too. One of the consequence experts consider to be likely is the increasing role of the army in society. What we are going to face (not to be pessimistic) is an increase of instability around the world both national and international that had to be summed with changes in society needs, economic crisis (or fluctuation), spread of globalization etc. In a world so interconnected, in which distant regions are influenced by different changes in politics, environmental disasters, economic stresses and conflicts, respond by taking a conservative policy is far from being the correct solution. Experts think that policies to mitigate or face this threats can still be set up. Build resilience measure is an important action against such change, also because it helps build cooperation between countries. In his study Mabey sustains that a large scale adaptation measure is needed even with aggressive measures, because climate has its own recovery time. Other studies affirm that even with the most aggressive mitigation measures and the stop of air pollution our planet will take decades to recovery. A scenario that is not exactly so reassuring. Mabey continues saying that some mitigation policies shall be considered as temperature rises and explains that mitigation scenarios diverges radically with different lower emissions policies. He continues affirming that a risk mitigation scenario should be considered for a rising in temperature of two degrees and, for every level he suggests defensive adaptation policies and mitigation. There is an interesting connection that this data shows between climate policies and government failure that has a strong value. Due to the impacts that climate will have on societies, the way government will figure out responsible policies will also be able to determine their degree of competition and, in the worst case, survival or collapse. The difference between successful or failed climate mitigation policies, in those nation where there are weak institutions will make the difference. Although his call to stay below the 2°C has been already crossed, he proposes three different approaches to the problem: despite the aim to stay below the rise of 2°C and set mitigation goals (for a rise that can be in this case manageable) and resilient regimes and policies with independent national assessments and frameworks, he considers the possibility of a further increase between 2°C and 4°C suggesting to adopt adaptation strategies for greater and several events (also interconnected), improve humanitarian intervention and international resource management framework. The last one is the worst, the case in which temperature will rise up to 7°C: the contingency plan will have to provide a framework planning for crash mitigation.

What we said about Mabey’s risk mitigation theory is, although sharable, an appropriate tool that can serve the investigation of those policies that will be surely common in the next future and are, indeed, an important point of discussion and friction between nations.

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