The new form of world conspiracy realized by United States

in Americas by

Since his first election the Bolivian head of State, Evo Morales, has always shown clearly his mistrust for the US government, which is indicted for promoting global terrorism through military interventions, citing the rise of the Islamic State group and charged of “congressional coups” such as the impending impeachment trial of suspended President Dilma Rousseff in Brazil.

After a narrow defeat in the Constitutional Referendum vote on February 21, which has prevented Morales from representing his Movement to Socialism Party (MAS) in a run for a third term in 2019, the Bolivian president said Socialist governments in Latin America must relaunch “democratic revolutions” in order to counter the strategies in play by the United States to regain control of the region. According to the information reported by the article: “Evo Morales Urges Democratic Revolutions Against US Empire” (TelesurTv), there surely is an ambition to establish a United States presence in these countries and recover subservient governments as a model, as a system.

On August 17 the Guardian reveals the new ‘anti-imperialist’ military academy opening in Bolivia, established with the aim of building anti-colonial and anti-capitalist thinking that binds the armed forces to social movements and counteracts the influence of the School of the Americas that always saw the indigenous as internal enemies.

Furthermore, the online journal “Strategic Culture Foundation” published an article on September 6, emphasizing the economic relations between Bolivia and China, which represent all sorts of concerns for Washington. Morales is steadily strengthening his financial, economic, trade, and military relationships with the Chinese who, unlike the Americans, have always viewed Bolivia as an ally and partner in a relationship that eschews double standards. The US plans to destabilize Bolivia – which were provided to Evo Morales’s government by an unnamed friendly country – include a step-by-step chronogram of the actions plotted by the Americans such as: “To spark hunger strikes and mass mobilizations and to stir up conflicts within universities, civil organizations, indigenous communities, and varied social circles, as well as within government institutions. To strike up acquaintances with both active-duty and retired military officers, with the goal of undercutting the government’s credibility within the armed forces. It is absolutely essential to train the military for a crisis scenario, so that in an atmosphere of growing social conflict they will lead an uprising against the regime and support the protests in order to ensure a peaceful transition to democracy.” The program’s first fruits have been the emergence ** of social protests financed and directed by US intelligence agencies

Morales, who expelled the US ambassador and counter-narcotics agents in 2008, accused Washington of encouraging terrorism, violence and war. On a speech at the 71st General Assembly in New York, Sept. 21, Morales added that it is strongly recommended to “stand alert and take immediate action in order to prevent barbarism of capitalism”, and he expressed his vigorous rejection of the “corrosive and unilateral economic measures used by United States against Cuba for political reasons”, arguing that restoring diplomatic ties is not enough. Then he highlighted the involvement of United Stated in recent bombings and attacks against military positions in Syria, which is the clear demonstration of hypocrisy. This is why in order to eliminate terrorism, Evo suggests to tackle the roots of these diseases. On Sep. 27 Bolivia’s President, Evo Morales, said that “The United States has one policy, which is intervention… Elected presidents do not govern there, bankers and entrepreneurs do” by adding that “Barack Obama had not changed the capitalist policy of the northern country, despite his African origin”.

Today October 2 the online newspaper Prensa Latina reported that, Roberto Aguilar, the education minister of Bolivia, has warned that “if in the past the Americans undertook military coups, now the most powerful weapons are ‘soft coups’ using lies and deception”. Among the many examples, he mentioned the quick trial to dismiss the Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo, the media war against Venezuela and the political process against the Brazilian president, Dilma Rousseff. In the case of Bolivia, he said, the opposition uses misinformation and lies to confuse the people, to undermine social stability and create conditions for interventionism by the US, by promoting the American expansionism, political control and economic dominance of the country.

Roberta Ciampo

Bookreporter Settembre

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