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Luglio 2015 - page 7

Libya: close to National Unity Governement

Tobruk and other factions have signed the agreement. United Nations are waiting for Tripoli’s reply.

Tobruk, Zintan, Misurata and other faction delegates have signed in Morocco the political agreement “to create a Libyan National Unity Government” on 3rd July Friday early morning , as reported by United Nations. After several months of negotiations and the threat of International sanctions, Bernardino Leon, Un Special Representative, has achieved expected outcome from these peace talks and from fourth draft. International Community are waiting for Tripoli’s General National Congress choice for next Monday.

“Libya needs a broad-based agreement to launch its reconstruction in security”, Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni said. “Refusing to accept this responsibility would be grave. In the immediate future Italy will multiply its efforts to ensure that a unified position is reached rapidly on the political agreement submitted by the United Nations”, he concluded.
Giacomo Pratali


Nigeria: 145 killed during Ramadan

Boko Haram kills again in the state of Borno. People were slaughtered because they were considered Muslim moderate. The African coalition plods along the advance of the Caliphate, despite the arrest of a leader of the terroristic organization.

Boko Haram slayed 150 Muslim believers to Mussaram e Kukawa, in Stato di Borno (Nigeria), yesterday. Jihadists raid on two village’s mosques while people are praying during Ramadan. Killed also women and children remained at home.

The choice of the Caliphate to strike in this period is not accidental. As occurred in Kuwait, Nigerian terrorists have massacred these faithful because they were considered too moderate compared to their conception of Islam.

Since June onwards, Boko Haram has reconquered many villages in northern Nigeria, as well as it’s also hit in N’Djamena, capital of Chad. The early wins of the African military coalition are frustated. And, despite Bahna Fanaye, one of the leader of terroristic group and chief of arms trade, the Caliphate has strengthen in West Africa.
Giacomo Pratali


Nigeria: 150 trucidati durante Ramadan

Boko Haram torna a colpire nello Stato di Borno. I fedeli sono stati massacrati perché ritenuti moderati. La coalizione africana arranca di fronte all’avanzata del Califfato, malgrado l’arresto di uno dei leader dell’organizzazione jihadista.

150 morti a seguito di due attacchi dei miliziani di Boko Haram presso i villaggi di Mussaram e Kukawa, situati nello Stato di Borno, nel nord della Nigeria. I jihadisti hanno fatto fuoco contro i fedeli, impegnate nelle preghiere nei pressi delle due moschee dei due paesi. Così come sono stati massacrati donne e bambini, rimasti a casa a preparare il pasto serale della festa.

Già, festa. Perché questo è il mese del Ramadan. E la scelta degli uomini del Califfato di colpire in questo periodo così carico di significato per l’Islam non è casuale. Così come avvenuto in Kuwait, i jihadisti hanno massacrato questi fedeli perché ritenuti troppo moderati rispetto alla loro concezione dell’Islam.

Dal mese di giugno in poi, gli uomini di Boko Haram sono tornati alla carica e hanno riconquistato molti villaggi nel nord della Nigeria, oltre ad avere colpito anche a N’Djamena, capitale del Ciad. I successi iniziali della coalizione militare africana sembrano essere stati vanificati. E, nonostante pochi giorni fa sia stato arrestato Bahna Fanaye, uno dei leader della cellula terroristica e a capo di un imponente traffico d’armi, l’ombra del Califfato incombe su buona parte dell’Africa Occidentale.
Giacomo Pratali


Southern Asian countries will help Rohingya

Asia @en/BreakingNews @en di

Southern Asian countries will donate a fund for the several Rohingya arrived in Indonesia, Malesia and Thailand in the recent months. So they receive Un’s requests. More than 4600 boats have tried to reach these countries since May: at least double than 2014.

ALast May, Indonesia and Malesia announced to give a temporary asylum to about 7000 migrants who arrived to their coasts. But the emergency has not stopped yet. And this is an humanitarian emergency which concerns thousand of women and children.

As reported by United Nations, the elements about this geopolitical context are awful, even if the International Press is focusing only about immigration in Mediterranean Sea: “Such perilous journeys, whether by land, sea, or air, have become a global phenomenon”, said António Guterres, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, Peter Sutherland and William Lacy Swing, Un Higher Commissioner for Refugee said.

Again: “88,000 migrants had tried to migrate by boat in Southeast Asia since 2014. “Nearly 1,000 are believed to have perished at sea due to the precarious conditions of the voyage, and an equal number because of mistreatment and privation at the hands of traffickers and abusive smugglers”, they underlined.

Rohingya are detached in two parts. Majority, the Muslim faction, who is persecuted by the Buddist Myanmar. The other part are Bangladeshi who run away from poverty. Now more of them live in refugee camps in Indonesia, Malesia and Thailand, after a long journey from Rakhine (North Myanmar) to the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea.

Through a creation of a humanitarian fund, United Nations hope to decrease all crime against Rohingyas: “Women are raped. Children are separated from their families and abused. Men are beaten and thrown overboard, We are deeply concerned at reports that boats full of vulnerable women, men and children are unable to land and are stranded at sea without access to urgently needed food, water, and medical assistance”, Un statement reported.
Giacomo Pratali


India: waiting for carbon emissions limit

Asia @en/BreakingNews @en di

No target year for carbon emissions. It’s announced by Prakash Javadekar, Minister of Enviroment and Forest of India in Bbc’s interview today. So Delhi will not submit plans to cut pollutio to United Nations, while China disclosed to reduce its emissions by 60-65% within 2030 Us by 26-28 % within 2025.

At least 40 countries submitted their carbon emission dropping. Now, they are expecting India, the third largest pollution maker in the world. But Delhi’s government want to continue on its way and will announced a new plan to Un: “Countries know where India stands and what its requirements [development needs] are and therefore nobody has asked us for [the] peaking year. We will soon submit our INDCs and they will be much ambitious than what the world is perceiving, “, Javadekar said again.

India don’t want to stop its oil and carbon production. So it announced that the oil-refining will double in the next five years. Moreover, Delhi concluded that at least 20% of population has no electricity and no chance of development.
Giacomo Pratali


Egypt, Sinai: 70 soldiers killed by Isis

Attacked the army checkpoint. At least 30 militants were killed. Jihadist troops and vehicle-bomb used in the attempt. Cairo declares the state of war. The terrorist action has taken place a few days after the Egypt’s top public prosecutor killing.

70 soldiers and at least 30 jihadists dead after Islamic State militants wave of attack on the army in North Sinai today. Terrorists and vehicle bombs have launched a simultaneos charge against security forces’ check point. While Egyptian government has reacted bombing Islamists. The offensive is conducted by the State of Sinai, affiliated to Isis since November 2014.

Prime Minister Mahlab has declared “the state of war”, but it’s not the first terrorist attack in Sinai. But this time jihadists have honed their technique. While Egyptian security forces have remained still and they have not taken enough countermeasures in recent months. Moreover, this attempts were predictable after Egypt’s top public prosecutor killing a few days ago.

The elimination of the Al Sisi’s enemies , starting with the deposed president Morsi, has sparked a war on several fronts inside Egypt.From Cairo, where terrorist cells are operating, to Sinai, historically unstable, where troops of the State of Sinai put on a military organization and strategy inspired by the Mujahideen: communications interruptions, combined attacks, explosions of vehicle bombs. In front of this context, Israel has decided to close the borders.
Giacomo Pratali


Egitto, Sinai: 70 soldati uccisi dall’Isis

Attaccati i check point dell’esercito. Almeno 30 miliziani sono rimasti uccisi. Guerriglieri e veicoli-bomba utilizzati nell’attentato. Il Cairo dichiara lo stato di guerra. L’azione terroristica è avvenuta a pochi giorni dall’uccisione del Procuratore Generale.

“L’Egitto è in guerra”. Queste le parole del governo egiziano dopo gli attentati, verificatisi all’alba di mercoledì 1° luglio, presso la cittadina Sheikh Zuweld, nel Sinai. Il bilancio provvisorio parla di 70 soldati morti e almeno 30 perdite tra i terroristi. L’offensiva del gruppo “Provincia del Sinai”, affiliato allo Stato Islamico dal novembre 2014, ha visto i miliziani condurre un attacco combinato guerriglieri più autobombe contro le cinque postazioni delle truppe regolari.

Non è la prima volta che nella regione orientale dell’Egitto si verificano attacchi di questo genere. Ma stavolta i jihadisti sembrano avere affinato la propria tecnica. Mentre l’esercito, fermo anche in questo caso nelle proprie postazioni fisse, non sembra avere adottato nessuna contromisura negli ultimi mesi.

Il governo del Cairo ha risposto bombardando i guerriglieri con i propri cacciabombardieri F16. Tuttavia, sembra una risposta tardiva ad un attacco prevedibile. Soprattutto alla luce di quello che è accaduto pochi giorni fa, quando il Hisham Barakat, Procuratore Generale dell’Egitto, è rimasto ucciso dopo un attacco bomba mentre era a bordo del proprio veicolo nel centro della Capitale.

Le dichiarazioni e soprattutto i processi contro i nemici di Al Sisi, a cominciare dal presidente deposto Morsi, hanno scatenato una guerra su più fronti all’interno dell’Egitto. Dentro le città, a partire da Il Cairo, dove cellule terroristiche operano. Nel Sinai, luogo storicamente instabile (vedi le misure governative contro l’etnia dei Beduini a cavallo tra gli anni ’90 e i 2000), dove i miliziani della Provincia del Sinai hanno messo su un’organizzazione militare e strategica ispirata a quella dei mujahideen: taglio delle comunicazioni, attacchi combinati, manovre diversive. Vista l’instabilità di questa regione, Israele ha deciso di chiudere le frontiere.

Infine, il governo italiano ha emesso un comunicato in cui esprime la propria vicinanza “al popolo e al governo egiziano di fronte ai gravissimi attacchi terroristici che hanno provocato decine di vittime. L’Egitto è un pilastro di stabilità nella regione e l’escalation della minaccia terroristica non riuscirà a piegare la determinazione del popolo e del governo”.
Giacomo Pratali


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