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Roundup: Saudi kills 30 in 235 airstrikes on Yemen in 6 days

BreakingNews @en di

235 airstrikes launched by the US-Saudi aggression warplanes on several Yemeni provinces over the past six days, killed at least 30 civilians including woman and 2 children and wounded 15 others. Sana’a was hit by 48 airstrikes on Nehm and Arhb districts, Guards School and Al-Athrat valley and the aggression also dropped cluster bombs. The aggression planes there also targeted the entrance of a popular market in Alehima al-Khariggya and a regular road linking the capital Sana’a with Hodeida. 47 airstrikes were launched on Sa’ada on several districts, 43 airstrikes were launched on Taiz in particular on Mokha city, kaleed camp and Taiz Airport and 16 raids were carried out by the aggression warplanes in several civilians regions in Mareb province. The aggression also targeted Hodeida port city area with 32 airstrikes and a raid that targeted Al-Khokha market killed 22 citizens and injured 10 others. Moreover Hajja and in particular Medi port city were hit by 27 aggression’s airstrikes and a woman and two children were killed and another child was wounded in an air raid that targeted a home of a citizen.

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