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Yemen got calls for change in the relief routes after Houthi pillaging.

BreakingNews @en di

The Yemeni Government required to UN to change the relief route to Taiz, to assure necessary assistance to be sent without delay. This was motivated by the fact Houthi militias have been still attacking these routes, damaging and making delay for sending of assistance means. Yemeni Government also required to exchange the port of Aden instead of  Al Hudaydah, because it is under Houthi control. Due to the several violations, committed by Houthi Militias, yemeni Government has required to introduce a monitoring system to prevent arm smuggling.

Houthi, Saleh militias 'torture Yemenis into 480 secret prisons'.

BreakingNews @en di

The National Committe for Human Rights in Yemen published a report stating that Houthi’s militias and supporters of ousted Pesident Saleh established 480 secret prisons across Yemeni governorates under their control. The statement revealed that prisoners are tortured, also with mock executions. The rebels used 227 government buildings, 27 medical institutions, 49 universities, 99 schools, 25 sports clubs, 47 judicial buildings and 10 private houses. According to the report 16,804 were the prisoners and enforce disappearances and were all civilians. After field visits the National Committe for Human Rights said released prisoners suffer from poor psycological and physical helath.


Houthi missile shot down over Jazan.

BreakingNews @en di

A missile directed to Jazan was intercepted on Friday by the Saudi-led coalition, which destroyed the missile launch pad launched by the Yemeni rebels. The coalition also said that the missile caused no casualities and that meanwhile the coalition troops, supporting the legitimate Yemeni government, destroyed three Houthi boats off the Midi port in Yemen on their daily mission to attack coalition ships. One boat was destroyed by the coalition navy, another one was captured with its crew and the third one managed to escape but the navy chased it and arrested its crew members. Moreover the government condemned ex Yemeni President Saleh and the Houthi militias, which launched rockets to a mosque during Friday prayers in al-Maarib province and caused 32 dead and 81 wounded. The Yemeni government also stressed that the only solution is to complete the liberation of the rest of the territory and to bring it under the government control.

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