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In Nora 20 litres of water may even arrive at 500 FCFA and over.

BreakingNews @en di

Nora is a city situated 500 kilometres away from Bomako, here the prices for 20 litres of water may even arrive at 500 FCFA and over in certain places. The lack of water, nowadays, make it very hard , especially to the poors, to survive. In this period of the year the situation get even worse because of the heat. Water is as precious as the silver. At Nora the administration of the water is led in two different ways, on one hand we have the SOGERHE (society of the management od hidric resources) which support breeders who posses houndreds of cattle and ovines. In this affair the population is the only victim: the water is served only after midnight and sometimes is necessary to wait til 20 hours to get it.

Libyan PM is trying to deal with the desalination plant problems in Tobruk

BreakingNews @en di

In a bid to deal with the problems of the desalination plant in Tobruk once and for all, the Beida-based interim Prime Minister Abdullah Al-Thinni summoned all the top water resources officials in the east of the country to an emergency meeting today. Tobruk has been facing water shortages for years, in part because of a rise in consumption but also because of declining production at the desalination plant, the result of inadequate maintenance over more than 13 years. Cracked pipes and boilers have resulted in a drop in output. Distribution pipes in the town also need replacing. Faced with this, the local authorities have been looking at various alternatives over the past year and more – from digging new wells to the construction of a new plant with a capacity of 150,000 cubic metres of water a day.

International Crisis Group wants the LPA to be changed

BreakingNews @en di

The International Crisis Group says the Libyan Political Agreement (LPA) signed in Skhirat last December has to be changed. In a hard-hitting and lengthy report published today, it says that as it stands it cannot be implemented. The agreement has altered the conflict far more so than resolving it, it states. While the Presidency Council (the main outcome of the PLA) has been unable to deal with issues affecting ordinary people such as power and water shortages and the lack of money in the banks, divisions in the country have deepened over the past year as a result of changing situations on the ground. Libya potentially now faces free-fall, it warns. To save the country, the calls for new negotiations to create a united government “involving especially key security actors not at Skhirat” – a reference to Khalifa Hafter and the Libyan National Army. Not only has the agreement altered the conflict, the conflict has altered the circumstances. Hafter’s successes in Benghazi and in the oil fields have upset the international community’s calculations and changed the situation on the ground.

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