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Two political offices of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the Kurdistan Democratic Party met today to discuss several topics

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The two Politburos of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the Kurdistan Democratic Party issued on 23rd of April, a joint communiqué as follows. Through the series of joint meetings of the delegations, in the presence of Kosrat Rasul and Masud Barzani, the two political offices of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the Kurdistan Democratic Party met today to discuss several topics. The first meeting was started to discuss the continuous efforts of the two sides on tackling the problems and crises in Kurdistan. They also stressed the support of the KRG and its institutions to improve the living conditions of citizens in all fields. The meeting also dealt with the efforts of the joint delegation to calm the convulsive situation. The second axis: The two sides stressed the results of previous meetings and priorities, especially: A- Form a referendum committee to set a date for this important process. B- How to activate the Parliament of Kurdistan in a way that serves the referendum, independence and national unity. Third axis: the project of the “road map of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan”, the Kurdistan Democratic Party will study it and discuss it before responding to it.

Hundreds of displaced families return to their homes south of Kirkuk.

BreakingNews @en di

Head of Peshmerga Frontlines for the south of Kirkuk, Wasta Rasul, told NRT that the first stage of returning internally displaced people (IDPs) who fled the fight against Islamic State (ISIS) has begun. Rasul added that the first stage included 600 families from Qaratapa village in the south of Kirkuk. “The people from areas where conflict has ended will be returned but they should promise the Peshmerga that they will assist [the Peshmerga]”, Rasul continued.Tens of thousands of people have been displaced south of Kirkuk due to the fight against ISIS. After fleeing, the IDPs settled in Kirkuk and other areas of the Kurdistan Region.

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