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Syria: Islamic State Attacks Kurdish Town Near Turkish Border

BreakingNews @en di

Islamic State militants launched an assault on the town of Tel Abyad, which is controlled by the Kurdish People’s Protection Units, near Syria’s border with Turkey on Feb. 27, Turkish security sources said, Reuters reported. The militant group also attacked the nearby town of Suluk. U.S.-led coalition aircraft carried out 10 airstrikes to try to repel the assault. At least 45 Islamic State militants and 20 Kurdish militia fighters had been killed. The attack was launched hours after a cessation of hostilities came into effect in Syria under a U.S.-Russian plan, though the temporary truce does not apply to Islamic State and al Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra. The truce appeared largely to be holding across much of Syria, though government forces will still try to gain ground while rebels defend their positions.

Alessandro Conte
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