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Partnership with US Resilient, Trump will go to visit to Saudi Arabia

BreakingNews @en di

Next week, Trump will go to visit to Saudi Arabia, and in occasion of this the Gulf States have held a conference in Washington, keynoted by Prince Faisal. Actually Prince Faisal is appointed as high-ranking adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and he has openly said the future goals of Arabian political programs. For example he has talked about the economic diversification, in compliance with objectives of Vision 2030. In addition to this, he has talked about the empowerment of women from 22 to 33% in workplaces. Also, he has also illustrated the relevance of boosting tourism field, opening new paths to Saudi Arabia and enforcing relations with China, Japan and Asia. He has not called Vision 2030 “a program for economic reform”, framing it instead as “a true effort at national transformation to create a more vibrant society, thriving economy and an ambitious nation”.

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