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Vienna @en

Iran has no negotiations with US on JCPOA.

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FM Spokesman Bahram Ghasemi said Iran raised the issue of US non-compliance with the nuclear deal and Trump’s negative remarks about Iran at the recent joint commission with the 5+1 in Vienna. Speaking to reporters at his weekly press conference on Monday, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Ghasemi talked about the first joint commission between Iran and the 5+1 groups of countries after Donald Trump took office, adding “many issues were raised at the meeting on April 25, and Iran voiced its dissatisfaction over US violations of commitments under the nuclear deal and the remarks made by President Trump against Iran that may have some adverse consequences for the country”. Ghasemi went on to add that the Commission’s members hailed Iran for adhering to its JCPOA commitments, and voiced his satisfaction over the meeting’s communiqué.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs responds to ElBaradei’s Tweet of issuing his passport.

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The official spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Abou Zaid, responded on Saturday to former vice president for foreign affairs Mohamed ElBaradei’s tweet that his passport has been issued and will be handed to the Egyptian embassy in Vienna. The conflict started after a tweet of foreign minister deploring the long time for him to obtain a passport, which need normally a couple of days, but he is waiting for at least one month. He told in a tweet “I hope that Egyptian authorities are not mistaking basic civil rights with political conflict”. To understant origins of tensions, we need to understand tha tEl-Baradei had important responsabilities under Morsi, and he leaves out of Egypt since 2013 and Sissi arrival.


7th Iran-G5+1 Joint Commission session ends

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The 7th Iran-G5+1 Joint Commission session ended in Vienna after three hours of discussion on controversial issues, including disloyalty of the US and Iran’s purchase of 950 tons of yellow cake. Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs Abbas Araqchi and Deputy Foreign Minister for Euro-American Affairs Majid Takht-Ravanchi as well as Helga Schmid, the Secretary General of the European External Action Service (EEAS), were present in the Tuseday meeting. That was the first session of the commission since the new US administration has come to power. Bilateral talks between the Iranian team and some countries of the G5+1 are underway. The previous session was held on January 10, 2017, ten days before end of the former US President Barack Obama’s presidency and on a call by Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif.

Hungary starts nuclear cooperation with Iran.

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Hungary has started to put into practice an agreement brokered in 2015 in Tehran during the visit of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to Iran which outlines constructing a mini-nuclear plant with scientific and educational purposes, said János Lázár on Thursday. The Hungarian official responded to the questions posed by reporters that whether the agreement is within the framework of Iran-5+1 agreement and told the media that the agreement was brokered in Tehran in 2015 after Iran and 5+1 signed the nuclear deal in Vienna.  Meanwhile the Spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Behrouz Kamalvandi announced that a new cooperation document will be signed between Iran and Hungary in the future meeting of the head of AEOI and Hungarian deputy PM. Following the landmark agreement between Iran and 5+1, signed in Vienna on July 2015, the international cooperation on developing Iran’s peaceful nuclear program has significantly hiked.

Migrants, Juncker recall Austria for the relocation. Vienna: "We will respect agreement with Europe"

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The President of European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, has responded to the Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern who had requested an exemption from the relocation plan of migrants. The letter urges Austria to fulfill its duty to help Greece and Italy, it’s written that “The Commission is ready to discuss how to assist the Austrian authorities to gradually fulfill their obligations. Of course we take into account the solidarity that Austria has shown in the past”. Interior Minister, Wolfgang Sobotka, responded positively to the demands of Brussels. “We are legally bound to respect the Europe Agreement and we will do it”. The staff of the Chancellor Christian Kern instead still sees “room for maneuver”, referring to a “gradual” application, to which Juncker’s letter makes mention.

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