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Netanyahu: Moving the US Embassy in Jerusalem won’t harm the peace process

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In an interview with Meet the Press earlier in the day, Tillerson indicated that moving the embassy from Tel Aviv could be harmful to the new peace process that US President Donald Trump hoped to advance during his trip to the Middle East later this month.Netanyahu said in response, “Israel has clearly stated its position to Israel and to the world multiple times. Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem won’t harm the peace process. The opposite is true. It will advance the process and correct a historic injustice”. Nethanyau added that it would also shatter a Palestinian fantasy that Jerusalem isn’t Israel’s capital.Taking to social media to deliver the message Sunday, Bennett wrote on Twitter: “Countries from across the world place their embassies in Washington DC, thus this needs to be applied in Jerusalem, our capital for 3000 years”. “Moving the US embassy in Israel to (Jerusalem) strengthens Israel and strengthens the prospects for peace”, Bennett added.


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