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Vucic responded to Thaci's "provocation"

BreakingNews @en di

After the Kosovo president addressed the gathering and said, among other things, that Serbia is “not ready for the EU because it does not recognize Kosovo”. Thaci also repeated a statement he made in during an interview last week – namely, that he “cannot imaging the EU accepting Serbia as a member before Kosovo.” But “You got your independence after NATO’s aggression, without a referendum, and not everyone has recognized you”, Vucic told Thaci according to the report, and continued: “Five EU countries have still not recognized you. You are not an independent state to us. And you are not listening what Serbia is saying, and say that we don’t have a European approach because we won’t recognize Kosovo. Unlike you who are making that person a candidate for prime minister… I said it in the assembly that Serbia must give up on its myths, for the sake of the future of not only Serbs, but also Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija”. “Your problem is that you don’t even know how to accept an extended hand. I see a coordinated campaign of people from the US Congress and your extremists. If you had 30 percent of Albanians, one stone upon another would not be left in Montenegro, while we never asked anything from them. Find me someone in the region who wills talk to Haradinaj without a lump in their throat. So much for democracy”, concluded Vucic.

Congress budget deal cuts Trump's border wall short

BreakingNews @en di

US Congress leaders have reached a bipartisan deal on around $1 trillion in federal funding to avert a government shutdown on Friday this week. The proposed pact, reached by Republican and Democratic late on Sunday, will fund public spending until September. It will be put to a vote in the following days both in the Senate and in the House of Representatives. The agreement makes the US “stronger and safer”, House Speaker Paul Ryan said in statement, because “it acts on President Trump’s commitment to rebuild our military for the 21st century and bolster our nation’s border security to protect our homeland”.

Mexico-US fiscal battle looms.

BreakingNews @en di

While the US President Trump spoke to the US Congress the Minister of Foreign Mexican Videgaray referring to the Mexican Senate the strategies that the Government intends to hold with regard to future moves, especially in economic matters, the American administration. Videgary has guaranteed that if the US should take disadvantageous tax measures for Mexico this latter would respond in a proportionate and appropriate way, the Minister did not specify what would be the government’s moves in response to the United States because it is necessary to wait until the moment that the US make the first move. Regarding the possible renegotiation of NAFTA Videgary was clear in affirming that Mexico will renegotiate the agreement if the changes proposed do not go against the interests of the country.


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