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two states

Meeting Trump-Netanyahu: the administration will not impose a "two states" solution to Israel

Asia @en/BreakingNews @en di

President Trump has hosted yesterday the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to the White House, the two have a busy work program that includes political and economic discussions. The most interesting thing is the line change that Trump has decided to do in relation to Israel, in fact, the President during the campaign he had said very close to the ideas of Netanyahu regarding the fight against terrorism, the iniquity of nuclear deal with Iran and the displacement of  US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Excluding this last point, however, still without a concrete action, on the remaining issues Trump has not impressed the breakthrough announced remaining more or less in continuity with the line of Obama. Also regarding the resolution of the conflict between Israel and Palestine it seems that the administration has decided to return to support the solution of “two states” unwelcome by Netanyahu, however, the Chief of Staff of the White House said that the administration will not impose to Israel “two states” solution.

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