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tripoli government

Italian's companies hungry for Libyan business "but not at the cost of their lives"

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Italian’s companies still in doubt in their installation in Libya. Indeed, the fear to install Italian companies in Libya remains after the murder of thwo Italian investors last year. And, moreover that security condition, Italy has officially sustained the UN-backed Government of National Accord, in Tripoli, and that has created tentions with the East of Libya, guided by General Haftar. Italian society Emaco, is one of the last Italian society working in Libya, and in all Libyan parts since the faling of Muhamar Ghedaffi. Recent position taking from Rome, could improve the implementation of Italian companies in the country, with the announce of Rome to reopen de deliverance of visa for Libyan citizens.

The PC and GNA have denounced the violences on Tripoli Martyr Square

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The Presidential Council (PC) and the Government of National Accord (GNA) have denounced the violences which took place on Tripoli Martyr Square this Friday. The manifestation had been organized to call General Haftar to bring his Army inside Tripoli to stabilize the country. But during the protest someone has opened the fire on the crowd. At this time (18/03) we still haven’t got any precisions on the number of injured or killed.

Tobruck's government in the Cairo to ask more sustain to Haftar's operations, but Egypt has also gave its sustain to Tripoli's government BDB

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The Tobruck’s government, guided by Abdullah Al-Thinni, had been a meeting in the Cairo to ask more sustain to Haftar’s operations. The visit comes before the meeting of the Arab foreign ministers at the Arab League prior to the Arab Summit that will take place in Amman. But Egypt has also gave its sustain to Tripoli’s government, which sustain BDB (Benghazi Defence Brigade) so the opposition of the HoR (House of Representatives) which act on the ground under the LNA (Libyan National Army). Each Libyan’s governments is trying to receive the sustain of Egypt, but Egypt seems to be more in favour of the GNA (General National Accord) than the HoR, since conflicts in the Oil Crescent. Egypt could be the State who will help to unify Libya, and allowed discussions between the divergent fractions.

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