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Trump administration seeks to convince judges to revive travel ban

BreakingNews @en di

President Donald Trump’s temporary ban on travelers from six Muslim-majority countries faces a key legal test on Monday before a U.S. appeals court in Virginia, as his administration aims to convince a federal appeals court that the action was motivated by national security concerns, not by religious bias. The Richmond-based 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals was set to hear an hour of arguments in the administration’s appeal of a March 15 ruling by Maryland-based federal judge Theodore Chuang putting the travel ban on hold a day before it was due to go into effect. The Republican president’s travel ban also was blocked by federal judge Derrick Watson in Hawaii in a separate legal challenge. An earlier version of the ban was also blocked by the courts.

The new Travel ban of Donald Trump

BreakingNews @en di

Yesterday morning the President Trump has signed the new travel ban, the drafting of a new executive order on immigration had been announced by the administration after the rejection by the Federal Court S.Francisco the first travel ban. The signing of the “muslim ban 2.0” was often announced as the next but then always delayed, so that this time the President has not signed the order before the cameras as the first time. As for the content, as expected by many experts, it is similar to the travel ban but with important differences: the countries concerned will be 6 (Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen) in fact is no longer present the Iraq, the measure will not apply to citizens of the six countries that are in possession of permanent residence permits, the order will be applicable from 16th of March and in the end the religious minorities of the six countries of the blacklist will not have any derogation from the rules established by the Decree.

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