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terrorists group

Hezballah denounces Damascus explosion, calls to unify efforts to get rid of terrorism gangs

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Hezballah condemned in a statement issued on Saturday “the brutal crime against the innocent persons near Damascus this morning, which killed dozens and injured more than a hundred of visitors to the holy shrines”. The statement called to unify efforts to get rid of those terrorist gangs that are used by International and regional forces to carry out savage projects which aim to crumble the region and kill the resistance spirit in it. The statement concluded by paying condolences to the families of the victims, wishing quick recovery to the injured persons.

Iran condemns Damascus attacks, twins bomb killed 46 people

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Twin bombs targeting Shiite pilgrims killed 46 people in Damascus, most of them Iraqis, in one of the bloodiest attacks in the Syrian capital. A roadside bomb detonated as a bus passed and a suicide bomber blew himself up in the Bab Al Saghir area, which houses several Shiite mausoleums that draw a large number of pilgrims. Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi strongly condemned the “heinous and shameful” terrorist attacks. “Indiscriminate assassinations, carnage and spilling the blood of innocent people, including women and children, are the last resort of the desperate and miserable terrorists who have lost their control more than ever following their repeated failures in different fields” he noted.

Turkish military says: nearly 100 terrorists killed last week

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A total of 98 terrorists were killed last week in Turkey and northern Syria, Turkish military said in a statement Friday. The Turkish General Staff said in a statement that 27 terrorists were killed in anti-PKK operations in Turkey while 71 members of the PKK-affiliated Democratic Union Party (PYD) were killed as part of the Turkish-led Operation Euphrates Shield, which began last August. According to the statement, Turkish soldiers have destroyed 24 shelters that were used by the PKK and seized weapons and nearly 1000 kilos of drugs during the anti-PKK operations. Meanwhile, military sources said three armed vehicles belonging to terrorists were also destroyed in northern Syria’s al-Bab, a city that was liberated from the group’s clutches, last week. Anti-PKK operations in Turkey’s eastern provinces of Siirt, Bingöl, Kars, Tunceli, Diyarbakır, Bitlis, Mardin, and Ağrı were still ongoing, the army added.

The terrorists based in Afghanistan had support from hostile agencies including Indian spy agency RAW

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ISLAMABAD – Director General Inter Services Public Relations, Maj. January Asif Ghafoor Tuesday Said That the terrorists based in Afghanistan had support from hostile agencies including Indian spy agency RAW (Research and Analysis Wing). He Elaborated That Afghanistan itself faced problems and rendered sacrifices in its fight against terrorism adding That Pakistan fully supported Afghanistan.

Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev on the Syrian issue

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On Friday, during an interview with China Central Television, Russian Prime Minister, Dmitry Medvedev, asserted that the key goal of the Syrian settlement is to preserve the country’s integrity and prevent its split into terrorist enclaves. According to Medvedev, Russia’s position is that there is no military solution to the Syrian issue. Medvedev noted that the key obstacle for settlement today is the issue of separating those who seek peace and have constructive positions from flagrant terrorist groups. Russian Prime Minister recalled that Russia implements the agreements with the Syrian government on maintaining military balance and takes part in the military operations on fighting against terrorists. Regarding to Bashar al-Assad,  Medvedev affirmed that he is the current president and the legitimate president and he is also a key figure of management of Syrian Crisis

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