Egypt: Militant group Hassm claims responsability for attack on Nasr City chekpoint
North Sinai victim of new attacks against Egypt authorities. On Monday, two policemen had been killed, and 5 people injured in Nasr City. The attack happened on a checkpoint of the city. Attack is vindicated by a new-born terrorist group, named “the Hawks of Determination”. The terrorist group announced the death of 6 people, and has promised to publish a video of the attack on social media, soon. The group, form in 2016, has vindicated other similar attacks since June 2016 in the region. However, even if this attack show insecurity in North Sianai, we need to underline that according to the latest report by the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policies (TIMEP), the number of terrorist attacks in Egypt decreased in the last quarter of 2016 to 168, compared to 209 in the third quarter, with 92 percent of the attacks taking place in North Sinai.