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“Technological” Defense

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«If the Allies had not understood the Enigma Cipher Machine operation, World War II would have had a different ending», said the British Intelligence Officer Frederick Wintherbotham, anticipating the future global trend of conflicts’ evolution. By the expressions “electronic war” and “technological war”, skilled specialists indicate the development of various fighting’s methods, focused on research and innovation. But progress plays a fundamental role also in terms of strategic response at the modern offensive, to restore stability in compromised geopolitical context.

There are numerous examples of this, such as the storage of biometric data by iris’ scanning for identification of jihadists, a system developed by the US, as well as the Predator, the Italian Air Force drone used to peek at the movements of Libyan and Afghan. Hence, the need to strengthen cooperation not only between different countries, but also more directly between Army, industry and university. This is an indispensable synergy to be up against threats of international terrorism and cyber attacks. A modern security pullback based on “dual systems”, which is valiant for both civil and military uses, is necessary also to revolutionize the culture itself. Strumentazioni all’avanguardia e personale addestrato al loro utilizzo.

Advanced equipment and personnel trained in their use. In this sense, the Defence White Document gaves clear instructions: it’s important to draw up a transparent long-term planning, which guarantees the efficiency of resources and an adequate enhancement of the national industrial excellence, for innovation and for job opportunities. Everything must be done in order to choose the best companies that represent a chance of growth for Italy, currently leader in the segments of aerospace and weapons production. For this purpose, specific plans will identify the best districts, creating partnerships outlined between Defense, business, universities and research world. The program will also cover the expenditure items. The last purchase marked on the Defense budget, concerns an American missil equipment for robot aircraft, while the powerful drone “Piaggio” is the novelty of “made in Italy” industry.

Viviana Passalacqua
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