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Execution in Belarus of Siarhei Vostrykau

BreakingNews @en di

In the statement by the Spokesperson on the execution in Belarus of Siarhei Vostrykau, the European Union again reaffirms its strong opposition to capital punishment in all circumstances. Indeed the continued application of the death penalty goes counter to Belarus’ stated willingness to engage with the international community, including the European Union, on the matter and to consider the introduction of a moratorium on the use of the death penalty. The European Union urges Belarus, the only country in Europe still applying capital punishment, to commute the remaining death sentences and to introduce without delay a moratorium on the death penalty as a first step towards its abolition.

Ceasefire fails, the conflict between Awlad Suleiman and the Qaddadfa tribes resumes

BreakingNews @en di

Tribal fighting has continued in Sebha for the fourth day with at least 15 people now killed and more than 35 wounded. The conflict between the Awlad Suleiman and the Qaddadfa tribes paused briefly this morning when a two-hour ceasefire was agreed. However, shooting resumed well before the period elapsed. The fighting has focused on the Al-Minshiya and Al-Mahdiya areas but families have been seeking to quit other areas of the town as the fire fights move around. Inhabitants confined in their homes for the battles reported properties shaking as heavy mortars and a tank cannon were fired as well as a heavy calibre DShKM (Dushka) machine gun. Sebha Medical Center called in all its staff to help with what it said was a state of emergency as more and more dead and injured were brought in. A spokesman warned that the hospital no longer had the medication nor the staff to deal with a crisis of this size.

Palestinian man killed by Israeli army forces along Gaza strip border

BreakingNews @en di

A Palestinian was killed in clashes with the Israeli army along the Gaza Strip border on Friday, the Health Ministry in the Hamas-run enclave said. “Mohammed Abu Saada, 26, died after being shot in the chest by Israeli soldiers in clashes east of the Al-Bureij camp,” Ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra said in a statement. The Israeli army confirmed clashes in the area, which is in central Gaza, but could not immediately provide details. Also on Friday, an Israeli man was lightly wounded when stones were hurled at his vehicle as he drove near the West Bank town of Sinjil, about 20 km from Ramallah.

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