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settlement in Donbass

Russia on the political aspects of the settlement in Donbass

BreakingNews @en di

On Thursday, Alexander Lukashevich, Russian ambassador to OSCE, during  a meeting of OSCE’s Permanent Council in Vienna, said that Russia is calling to develop the active talks on political aspects of the settlement in Donbass. According to Lukashevich, it’s necessary to develop active talks at the respective working subgroup of the Contact Group on political aspects of the settlement and the implementation of the permanent law on a special status of Donbass. The diplomat went on saying that the US administration should influence Kiev so that the pro-government forces stop shelling the self-proclaimed Donbass republics.  Lukashevich also said that Russia hails installation of video cameras of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission at the dividing of the parties in Donbass from the line of engagement.

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