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Green Cross: An italian project in Senegal to create working opportunities and life sustainability

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Green Cross Italia is a project set up in Senegal which aim to create working opportunities and life sustainability by the development of the agricolture. In five villages of Matam region, in the northeastern part of the mation, Green Cross will place water pump fed by solar panel, which will lead to a 2.7000 gasoil litres saving per year. Moreover, it will be provide seeds for a 37 hectar of territory, will be tought as well agricolturaltecniques and  focused marketing strategies. The beneficiaries of this project (supported by Italian Agency for the Cooperation and Development) will be 2.000 people, mostly women, but the entire village will take the advantages, because it will see an increase of the agricoltural productivity. <if we improve women’s condition we contribute to give a chance to this Nation, to create opportunities for the future generations> explain Elena Seina, Green Cross Organizer. In Senegal the migration is a necessity, you run away risking your life looking for a brighter future. But to all those, should be given the chance to stay and live with dignity in their Homeland.

Sénégal: Dakar’s Major has been arrested of misappropriation of public funds and criminal association

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After his judicial hearing this tuesday, Dakar’s Major has been arrested with six oh his employees, with the accusations of misappropriation of public funds and criminal association. “On a fini. C’est un mandat de dépôt” ( it’s over, it’s a warrant of committal ), says one of KhalifaSall’s lawyer having exited from judicial consultancy, confirming Dakar’s Major’s provisory detention. KhalifaSall too does’t seem surprised, as he drew up in advance with his team a press release already deliveres to media: < This arrest and this detention only have the purpose to stop MrKhalifaSall in his political ambitions, preventing him to partecipate to next legislative and presidential elections, scheduled  for july 2017 and february 2019> said his lawyers, who think that these arrestation and detention are just due to political reasons.

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